Adventures in Ad-purr-tizing

It’s that time again… this week, I have a purrfect roundup for you:

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Don Drapurr and Roger Purrling.
  2. Advertising using cats? You can’t go wrong with some good old fashioned catvertising. (It’s so totally a thing.)
  3. Why stop with advertising? Cats would totally create a monopoly and man (cat?) the phones as well to take your order. (Dear Cat Overlords: I would totally order a set of nesting cats.)
  4. Then they’d employ an army of canines to deliver the packages. (Cats would hire one of their own to do this job, but history has proven that cats are just too amazed by cars. They might make good bike messengers, but I hear that dogs are ready to step in there as well.)
  5. They would also pack the legislature with congresscats to help them get some valuable tuna subsidies. (Think I’m kidding?)
  6. This diabolical plan, however, only works if cats can stay awake long enough to implement it and clean up to make a good impression on investors.

I don’t think cats will be content with starting at the bottom and working their way up, however. They’re more suited to be the boss…

On a related note, I almost shared this video with you instead. I have no idea what it’s advertising, but it’s weirdly hypnotic.


Smells like dog spirit…

It’s time for your weekly dose of linkage…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Paw Newman, Slobbert Redford, and Coco Kennel. (In other pun-related news, this blog completes me.)
  2. I think we can all use a little happy news this week. Here are some sweet images of pets being rescued after that terrible superstorm.
  3. Speaking of Sandy, this one is much more adorable.
  4. Let’s double down on that cuteness with some animals eating pumpkins.
  5. Cats in wigs! Also, cats bouncing! And grumpy cats! (Help me. I can’t stop.)
  6. I’m guessing that this kitten did not celebrate Halloween by bobbing for apples.
  7. It’s not all fun and games around here. How about a dose of dog science? (I agree with all of this except the bath part.)
  8. I think all legal disputes should be settled with puppy pictures. Deal?

Finally, I leave you with a word from today’s sponsor:

Happy Friday!


Put a meerkat on it

It’s Friday once again… time for your weekly linkage!

  1. Your punny pet name: Wil Fleaton.
  2. Speaking of Wesley Crusher, here’s yet another reason to love Wil Wheaton.
  3. I may be wrong, but this video has convinced me that hedgehogs should start doing Dos Equis commercials.
  4. This chameleon is a neat freak after my own heart.
  5. Maybe put a cat on it will be the new put a bird on it… or maybe put a cat in it?
  6. I wish that Birdwalk Empire was a real show. (However, I would suggest naming the main character Ducky Thompson instead of Nucky Ducky Thompson, but that’s just me. Yes, these are the things I think about. Also, I’m beginning to think that my love of puns began with Sesame Street.)
  7. Goats on a seesaw! Enough said.
  8. I’m just going to say it. These baby meerkats complete me.

This meerkat is so me. And so Bella. And Tavish. Heck, this meerkat is all of us.

Am I right?

Also, any other baseball fans out there? I’ll be settling in to watch the Braves game tonight. My fingers are crossed that they win the Wild Card playoff game!


Girls just wanna have pun…

It’s Friday… let’s get to the linkage!

  1. First up, your punny pet names are inspired by this slideshow (oh… hello there, Slide 15): Cullen Bones, Nathan Blue Jaydrian, and Pom Daley. (Seriously, I want to meet a Pomeranian named Pom Daley. It’s my new dream.)
  2. Speaking of punny pet names, this week I learned that Prince Harry owns a racehorse named Usain Colt. How is it possible that I never came up with that one on my own? (Bonus link: Animals with misleading names.)
  3. Emmylou Harris rocks. Check out her new project, Woofstock.
  4. Um, I would watch the heck out of Animals Acting Like Sharks Week.
  5. You know I’m a fan of all things Seussical. Thus, I loved this collection of advertising artwork from Dr. Seuss.
  6. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t love these new ads from Old Navy featuring 90210 actors.
  7. On another nostalgia-related note… moves like Chandler!
  8. Here’s one for the Things Bella and Tavish Will Never Do files. (Oh, Corgis. Always good for a smile.) Yup… I adopt dogs that take their cues from the Gremlins.

You didn’t think I’d make it through this post with only one Olympics reference, did you? As if. Today’s video reveals the results of the Cat Sleeping Position Olympics:

That’s all folks! Hard to believe the Olympics are almost over already. Will you be spicing up your life on Sunday?


Teen (Mutt) Mom: 4 Months & Pregnant?

I just came across this great set of ads from the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah. The ads are part of the Fix at Four campaign, which is designed to educate people about the proper age for spaying and neutering your pets. (Well done, Best Friends. Bob Barker would be proud.)

Did you know that a kitten can become a mother at four months of age and a puppy at six months? Kind of crazy, when you think about it. (Take it from me, I adopted an unwed teen puppy mother off the streets. After Bella had her puppies, some cruel person kept the puppies and dropped her off at the shelter – and she was barely a year old at the time, maybe less.)

These ads are extremely clever, funny and effective. I think this one is my favorite (based on the Creek connection, of course).

Check out two more ads, after the jump…

Continue reading


The pugs will see you at the crossroads…

Happy Friday! On to the links:

  1. Your punny pet names: Pug E. Pug and Michael Puglas. (These were obviously inspired by #2 on today’s list.)
  2. Bone Pugs-N-Harmony. Seriously, you guys… I can’t even. This offering rendered me speechless for about five minutes. Pug Life!
  3. Once you’ve watched that, the occasional expletives over at Text from Dog will probably not phase you too much. This one might be my favorite. (Thanks to Katherine from Life with Arie for sharing this one on Twitter!)
  4. I can’t get enough… enjoy May the Ads Be Ever in Your Favor. (It’s no May the Kibble Be Ever in Your Flavor, but I’m probably just biased.)
  5. Speaking of ads, I could play with this Gendered Advertising Remixer for hours, I think.
  6. I’m not a huge April Fool’s Day fan, but I did enjoy this one involving dogs in glasses. (Bonus non-April Fool’s links – Cats in Clothes! Or at cafes!)
  7. I love baseball. In honor of Opening Day, enjoy some team-related cute.
  8. I plan to do some baking for Easter brunch on Sunday – although I’m not sure I’ll be feeling this ambitious, I cannot deny that these bunny cake pops are extremely charming.
  9. Having a rough day? These thirteen simple steps will get you through it. I honestly can’t decide which one is my favorite. (Great minds think alike – Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes shared this one on Facebook yesterday too.)
Finally, this week’s video reminded me of The Big Bang Theory:

The look on the face of the other cat says it all.
So tell me, what are you up to this weekend?  I will be allowing my heart to go on tonight, while revisiting Titanic on the big screen. I did promise them I’d never let go, after all.

And now, for the talent portion of our competition…

It’s Friday… let’s get to it!

  1. Your punny pet name for this week: Andy Warhowl.
  2. Meet the world’s smallest working dog – score one for the little guys!
  3. Enjoy these lessons in love from ’90s song lyrics.  Anyone have any lessons in pups learned from song lyrics to share?
  4. A dog in a top hat? Seems perfect for awards season.
  5. I was in Pottery Barn the other day and saw these adorable pillows.  Perhaps the new trend in home decor is “put a dog on it”?  (Someone alert Portlandia – say goodbye to “put a bird on it.”  Dogs are the new birds.)
  6. If so, I want to buy all of these prints. (I have a pup art addiction.)
  7. Dog ears come in so many shapes and sizes, but they’re all so darn cute.
  8. I love a good sleepy dog video… the stretch at the beginning of this one really pushes it over the top.
  9. Ah, that age old debate: cats or dogs?  Where do you land on this one?
Whether you’re Team Cat or Team Dog (also available: Team Both), you have to admit that this pup’s entry for the talent portion of the competition is pretty adorable:
Of course, he’s got nothing on those dogs barking the Star Wars theme in the teaser for VW’s Super Bowl ad.  Have you watched it yet? The dog dressed like an Ewok in the front row is just icing on the cake.

I wonder if these dogs would star in my upcoming film, Star Wags: A New Rope Toy.  Still casting for the roles of Obi Wag Kenobi, Arf Vader, Slobber the Hutt, Luke Skybarker, Arftoo-D2, Boba Fetch, and Lando Abyssinian.

Have a great weekend and may the pups be with you!


I have a crush on the Travelers Insurance dog

I don’t know how I missed this ad during the holiday season (after all, I am mildly obsessed with the life and times of the Travelers Insurance dog).  I realize it’s a bit late to be sharing a Christmas ad… however, it made me smile, so I’m posting it anyway. You know you don’t mind…

There are even more ads online that I just discovered – one with a soapbox car and another involving a cat burglar. How am I not seeing these when I watch TV – have they been aired in your area?

Anyway, I was a bit curious about these ads and the canine thespian therein.  The dog who stars in these commercials is named Chopper.  This former shelter dog makes my day every time I see one of the ads.

His trainer, Sue Chipperton, even has her own blog, called Check the Gate.  (You may have seen one of her videos recently over at Life With Dogs, in fact.)  A few fun facts I learned from her blog:

My crush continues… Chopper is just too cute for words.  That’s all for today… see you tomorrow for the Pet Blogger Challenge!

I like big mutts and I cannot lie…

First off, happy National Mutt Day!  I’d like to dedicate today’s post to all of the awesome mutts out there, including my own.  (Considering adopting your own mutt? Check out a really cool way to announce it and help other shelter pets, courtesy of Bocci’s Beefs.)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled linkage:

  1. Your punny pet name: Johann Sebastian Bark. (Also, this week’s award for awesome punnage goes to… Goatzart.)
  2. It seems that one local law school has taken a cue from the extremely awesome TV show Community – George Mason University has enlisted some cuddly puppies from a local rescue group to help law students relax during exams.  (Perhaps they got the idea from Yale, but in my mind the administrators are just big Community fans.)
  3. Speaking of TV, I really enjoy that the worried dog from that insurance commercial is starring in a happier commercial.
  4. So, has anyone seen the new Muppets movie yet? I really want to see it this weekend. After all, I can’t wait to see the next stage in Ms. Piggy’s style evolution.
  5. This next video has the perfect soundtrack… and it made me giggle, alot (typo intentional).
  6. I think we can all agree that dogs are cute. (If not, how did you end up reading this blog? Go watch this video and then come back.)  Today, let’s also appreciate some cute from off the beaten path.
  7. Um… on a related note, hedgehog bathtime is awesome.

I think this week’s video really ties it all together…

(via Paw Nation)

You know, I had to give Bella a bath last week in preparation for her holiday photo shoot.  Why couldn’t she be into it like that guy?

I’ve been battling a sinus infection this week – however, new research shows that the doctor should prescribe a glass of wine and a bubble bath.  Now that’s medicine I can get behind.  (See how it all relates? My mind works in odd ways.)

Don’t forget – if you have any questions that you’d like to ask a professional pet photographer who also photographs shelter pets, send them my way.  I hope to have some answers for you in the near future.

Have a great weekend!

