Bella Bowl V

All Things Dog Blog
Bella Bowl weekend is traditionally a busy one in our household.  That’s right, it’s not just Super Bowl weekend around here.

  We throw an annual Super Bowl party known as Bella Bowl… we’re up to Bella Bowl V.  The dining room has been christened Puppy Stadium for the day.  Sometimes Bella will rock Giants paraphernalia for the party – but her interest in wearing a jersey is usually short-lived.  Such a fair weather fan…

Anyway, I’m excited to add a new tradition to our Bella Bowl/Puppy Bowl/Super Bowl weekend… the All Things Dog Blog Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop!

I didn’t have the heart to make her wear her jersey and let me take a new photo, given that the Giants didn’t even make the playoffs.  So let’s just agree that the pose above is how she reacted when she learned this news.

Want to join the hop?
