Of pumpkins past…

Bella generally likes to express her boredom and disapproval when we carve pumpkins for Halloween.  After all, that means we’re paying attention to something other than her.  Don’t we know that she is much cuter than any orange gourd?

In 2008, we “gave” her a mini-pumpkin to entertain her during the annual pumpkin carving festivities.  She was unimpressed:



What do your pets think about these orange invaders?




16 thoughts on “Of pumpkins past…

  1. My dogs have never paid any attention to the pumpkins. Isn't it interesting how different dogs react to different things. I hope Bella gets some extra special attention this Halloween! 😉

  2. I just started blogging and twittering in April, and I'm only a year old, so this is my first howloween on the internet. For the life of me I can't imagine what mom was doing naming me Pumpkin. Pals keep making jokes about my name. I'm not yummy, and no one is going to carve me up or make a pie out of me! MOL

  3. We like to eat the stems off the top and we also eat the carved ones on the porch. Nothing is safe around here….BOL. They taste great!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  4. Mine come in a can and I eat them. Not near as fun as Bella's au natural one 🙂

    Maybe Mom will make me a jack-o-lantern this year?

    Waggin at ya,

  5. Last year, once Nico discovered the pumpkin was actually food, he actually tried to claw his way through it. I can no longer put pumpkins in front of my fireplace for decoration!

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