Appreciate a squirrel today

My friends, today is Squirrel Appreciation Day.  Seriously… you can’t make this stuff up.  I’m not one to discriminate, so today we’ll take a moment to observe the holiday.

  1. This week’s punny pet names come to us from the music world: Clay Acorn and Squirrel Haggard.  (Bonus name: James Squirrel Jones.)
  2. Wondering how one celebrates Squirrel Appreciation Day? Lucky for you, I found some suggested activities.  For those who’d like to spend the day increasing their Squirrel IQ, check out these interesting facts.
  3. I’d like to nominate this outstanding squirrel for the Best Squirrel Ever award.
  4. Probably the wrong day to laugh at Dug’s joke, huh?
  5. They do say a picture is worth a thousand acorns.  Therefore, I hope you enjoy these pretty cool squirrel photos.

I’m indulging my nostalgic side with today’s video selection.  I remember this video from my childhood, and it always made me laugh…

I almost looked for a cute squirrel video instead, but then I figured I’d probably never think of another reason to post this particular song.  (Want more squirrels?  Check out these Squirrels… in… Cyberspace!)

Happy Friday!




36 thoughts on “Appreciate a squirrel today

  1. I love that song…I've known it forever it seems. Riley will appreciate this squirrely day…she over-appreciates squirrels every day. She wants to dine with them…or on them…

    Elyse and Riley

  2. I guess squirrels deserve a day just like the rest of us. I had never heard that song, it's a riot. I will have to make sure Spike and Dru honor the day and go easy on our backyard population.

  3. Kolchak Puggle – be my guest! 🙂

    Elyse & Riley – I think Bella appreciates them on the gourmet level as well. I'll have to discourage her from chasing them today!

  4. I love squirrels! I grew up with my mom and grandparents. My grandfather loved all animals. He tamed and fed all of the squirrels. They would eat out of his hand, come up his baggy pants and go into his pocket for peanuts. Thinking about squirrels takes me back to a wonderful time in my life. Happy Squirrel Day!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  5. Wow – you did a lot of homeworks! We did not know there was such a day, but a riot, as our latest post is about a "squirrel" Dad brought home last night! So sorries we haven't visited in so long (lazy Mom typist!). That video of catching a squirrel is hysterical! Thanks for posting! There are sure a lot of movies about this on the web! Thanks for making our day!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

  6. Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! Wish I had known about it before today!

    Have to tell you…I have been OBSESSED with squirrels nearly as long as I have loved cats! I adore squirrels and feed them every day!

  7. Hehe – I could nominate a few squirrels from out back here, but kudos MUST go to the squirrels of Deering Oaks park in Portland, Maine. Those little buggers are down right aggressive when you're picnicking. I had a few almost crawl into my lap for noms!

  8. Jersey appreciates squirrels *every* day. She tries to tell them how much she loves them as they are running up a tree 😛

  9. Too funny!!! There is a holiday for almost anything! Happy (catch-a) Squirrel Day. Ooops, sorry, the Sibes forced me to type in that "c" word!!!

  10. Uh oh, I remember when that song was first released!

    Happy memories – funny video – and Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day!

  11. Debbie – such a sweet story about your grandfather! 🙂

    Sammie, Avalon & Ozzie – no worries! Glad you could stop by today!

    Caren – you'll have to mark it on your calendar for next year. 🙂

    Wyatt – LOL.

    ForPetsSake – too funny! I guess they just get really used to humans in a place like that.

    Karen and FiveSibesMom – Bella would probably agree with your pups!

    BZ Training – Don't feel bad… I found that I remembered every word!

  12. Haha! They have special days for everything else, why not cute and fuzzy squirrels? I've seen that hilarious squirrel photo before and I do agree, it's the Best.

  13. That is one of my Mommy's favorite songs, but I, Sasha, the wiener dog believe it is evil squirrel propoganda. I have to withstain on celebrating Squirrel Day cause it goes against my doxie instinct that squirrels are BAD! Page me again on wiener dog world domination day. Doxie kisses to you, Sasha.

  14. The only good squirrel is a stuffed squirrel, I reckon….There's an exhibition on in London right now called the Museum of Everything that has lots of squirrels who were stuffed by a Victorian taxidermist who put them in poses as if they were members of a gentleman's club playing cards and reading newspapers. It made me larf.

    We do not condone the stuffing of animals – but I also do NOT like squirrels. Sorry. But that's me. I'm a greyhound and I don't know any better.

    Love and licks Winnie

  15. Wow! Squirrel Day?!
    They are sooo cuuuuute!
    I do chase them out of my yard though with my Bro :o)))

    Happy Sunday!
    Neeko ♥

  16. Hahahahahahahaha!

    I love that you posted this video. My sister once spent an entire summer holiday listening to this song on repeat. It kills me to this day. Thanks for bringing back some great memories!


  17. Hi! I noticed your comment about my book at Caren and Cody's place so I dropped by. What fun your blog is! Mom LOVES squirrels and had no idea there was a day of official appreciation.

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