Best post ever?

I have so much for you today that I won’t waste your time with an intro… on to the cute!

  1. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this week’s punny pet names:  Peter O’Drool and Conan O’ Grrrrr-ien.
  2. So how did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day yesterday?  Was it as cute as this celebration at the zoo?
  3. I love March Madness. (Go George Mason!)  What better way to celebrate its arrival than by combining basketball and adorable animals
  4. Not into basketball?  That’s okay – Jezebel is running a Cats vs. Dogs bracket!  Yesterday, the Cheshire Cat triumphed over the Cat in the Hat, while the Pit Bull pulled off an upset over the Chihuahua.  Go check it out, and then keep an eye out for the next voting period!
  5. I don’t want to overplay my hand here, but I seriously think that this collection of 50 photos of Basset Hounds running might be one of the best things ever.  (Bonus installment: Basset Hounds having a Chariots of Fire moment on the beach.  Bonus bonus installment:  After I wrote that sentence, I searched and discovered that someone made a video of a Basset Hound running with a Chariots of Fire soundtrack.  It’s a good day.)

In conclusion, I want to croon the lyrics to Eternal Flame to the following video so that it knows how much I love it. Video, you complete me.

(via Jezebel)

This post is filled with so many best things ever that I don’t even know how to process it all.  So I’m going to go look at puppies and puppy products instead.  Happy Friday!




14 thoughts on “Best post ever?

  1. HAHAHAHA Awesome. The turtle song can replace "Flash Beagle" that– thanks to you–has been going through my head for over a WEEK now. (Okay, it doesn't help that I'm surrounded by beagles.) And re: basset hounds running– spot on!

  2. Awesome. There is so much to like about this post. Not sure if I like the turtles or the chariots of fire video the most…

  3. Love the Irish doggie names! You sure found a lot of fun stuff for today, thanks for sharing! That little turtle is really adorable.

  4. Wendy – you can always count on me to get a song stuck in your head. LOL.

    Carrie – you're so sweet! Thank you! πŸ™‚

    I need that turtle video today… I'm still smarting over that George Mason loss.

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