Cone of Extreme Annoyance

Bella would like to register a complaint. She has decided that “Cone of Shame” is not really an accurate name for this torture device.  It’s more like a Cone of Extreme Annoyance.

I think I’m currently on her List.  She keeps running into things and giving me dirty looks.

So far, she’s doing okay, other than the fact that she’s obviously annoyed.  She currently has so many pills that I’m beginning to think she needs one of those pill caddies, however.  (Antibiotics and pain meds plus her usual thyroid medicine.)   

Looks like I’ll be having a lazy day of watching TV so that I can hang out with her and keep her from overdoing it.  Could be worse…




29 thoughts on “Cone of Extreme Annoyance

  1. We found " Elizabethan collar" sounded nicer for Cleo… Though it didn't help her mood any :0/ hope Bella is better soon. XO @grouchypuppy

  2. ahwwww 🙁 My dogs hate it when they have to wear those. But what dog doesn't hate it. How long does she have to wear it for?

  3. I'm sure you are on Bella's List. At least she is a short dog. I remember TJ running into door jambs & knocking things off tables. He was so jumpy by the end of the day, it was pitiful. How long does she need to wear it?

  4. houndstooth – It's possible that she's plotting as we speak…

    Grouchy Puppy – That does sound much nicer. 🙂

    Garden Girl & Dizzy Blonde – Not sure. She didn't need it at all yesterday, but she was messing with the incision this morning. If she'd leave it be, we might be okay. She goes back for a follow-up in 2 weeks so we'll see.

  5. Awwww, poor Bella! Those cones *ARE* darn annoying. Bella, I say you DEMAND SNACKS or plot your revenge accordingly.

  6. Poor Bella!! Sherman feels your pain! He had to wear THE cone once before and he was very disturbed. After Sherman was done with it it was renamed the Cone of Destruction, because it destroyed 3 lamps in my house:)

  7. Poor Bella. That last picture made me feel so bad for her. Such a sad look on her face!

    I'm glad she's doing okay though. I was hoping she was home and cuddling with mom. That's got to make her feel better right?

    BTW – Can relate to the pills. Lady, my foster dog, has a pill caddy. Thank God. I could never manage all of them without it.

  8. Kari – She is… I feel so guilty!

    Koly & Oskar – When I least expect it, I'm sure she'll get her revenge.

    jen – I'm lucky that Bella's on the short side!

    Mel – She's not a fan of cuddling with me at the moment unfortunately!

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie – Thank you!

  9. Poor little Bella! Riley (and I) definitely feel for her and you! Bummer about the Cone of Extreme Annoyance. Thankfully Riley hasn't really tried to mess with her leg and staples so she hasn't had to have one…yet! I've been able to keep her staples in for 5 days…only 9 more to go until they come out!

    Hopefully Bella's stitches or staples will come out soon and she can get out of that blasted cone of awfulness/horror/terror! Just in time for Halloween! 🙂 Keep us updated on her recovery from the surgery–I feel you on the meds…Riley has to take 9 and a half pills a day (a few pills 3 times a day)…sheesh!!

    Elyse (and Riley)

  10. Poor baby Bella! Please see my website so that I can send you one of our "Neck Hugs", ( an alternative "soft e-collar" instead of that horrible cone. We can overnight it to you so Bella can get some rest. She will be able to eat, drink, sleep, play, walk, navigate through the house and look absolutely adorable!

    My dog Hunter had hip surgery and I developed a soft e-collar for him instead of that cone he came home from the hospital with. He was so happy with it and would actually go looking for it when he was all better. Now, sometimes, he will go and find it when we watch TV in the evening – too cute!
    Thanks for letting me share – Jamie♥

  11. I have a dog with a pill caddy! It's okay though because I got it for free from the company where I order my obscene amount of pills from!

    Have you seen the clear cones of annoyance?

  12. Nuts Bella. Those things are annoying. Hope it comes off soon! What did y'all watch on the tube? I watched too many episodes of chopped last night. You should have seen the creep things they had to cook with for the Halloween segments! :O

    Waggin at ya,

  13. OMG – the eyes in that second picture! Oh slay me now. Poor baby. Give your little Bella snugs and smooches from me and my Bella. Glad to hear she's doing ok. Would love to talk to you about the thyroid stuff sometime…

  14. i'm sure bella would not appreciate me laughing at her, but the face in that photo is hysterical. hope she's feeling better already!

  15. oh no! I obviously missed something! I didn't know Bella was hurt! I was away from the blogs due to my birthday being last week and was actually having a life!

    I hope Bella is back to herself soon. I hate those darned things!

    When Cody had one we were amazed with how he could still jump over the baby gate with it on. We nicknamed him "Space Boy" lol

  16. Pamela – That is awesome!

    Leslie – I'm happy to talk about the thyroid stuff anytime… just send me a DM or email me (wantmorepuppies at gmail). 🙂

    Lauren – I keep laughing at her too. I'm sure it is not helping me get off her List.

    Caren – Wow… that's impressive that Cody could still do that! I hope Bella does not have similar skills.

    Hound Girl – Sounds like we all need a pill caddy these days!

    Elizabeth – I think she likes the fabric one better although she's still not thrilled.

    Karen – We have 10 more days 'til we go back to the vet… I hope it flies by!

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