Back… when we were innocent

This photo was taken in approximately 1 BC (one month Before Cone). In fact, it’s a photo from the vet’s office. If only Bella knew what she was getting herself into that day… wonder what she was thinking?

We head back to the vet on Friday. I hope that means that the staples come out and that the cone can be put into storage (after a thorough cleaning, however… that thing is pretty gross because Bella spends half her day licking it).

For bonus points (on the imaginary quiz I am apparently giving you):  Can you guess what song inspired the title of today’s post?  (These two posts might provide a clue.)

Give up?  Here’s the answer.




26 thoughts on “Back… when we were innocent

  1. I am impressed with how happy Bella seems at the vet. She is adorable with or without a cone but I am sure she can't wait to be cone-free again.

  2. K9friend – Me too!

    Karen – Shortly after this photo, she decided to take a nap while we were waiting. I will say that she never looks this happy once the appointment gets going.

    jen – I can't wait to wave bye to it either.

    Hound Girl – Thanks!

    Road Dogs – You get an A+!

    Garden Girl – Thanks!

  3. Even when she's dressed up as a flashlight, Bella is still beautiful.

    But I'll be happy when she's no longer a coney chameleon.

  4. Hopefully she'll get her staples out on Friday! Riley got hers out yesterday and it was a big relief!

    Bella–DOWN with the cone!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Elyse and Riley

  5. I had staples once… after a c-section. You don't wanna know. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You kiss Bella once for every fan on this blog, and twice for every lurker who never comments!

  6. Paws crossed for great news from the vet. No more cone unless it's an ice cream cone! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Waggin at ya,

    Thanks for stopping by to wish me a Happy Day! ๐Ÿ™‚ Together we raised a nice lil sum for my shelter. Wahoo!

  7. The cone is history!

    houndstooth – A+ for you too!

    Life Student – That sounds like a good plan to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Roo – She totally needs to make that her motto.

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