Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3

Now, before you get any bright ideas, I want to clear something up. Although the title suggests that two dogs decided to create a puppy, you’ll find no titillating tales of canine copulation in this post.

Anyway, if you saw Friday’s post, you might have an inkling as to what’s going on. If you follow our adventures on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve certainly figured it out by now. (If you’re not our friend on Facebook, why not? Head on over there.) In any event, I wish I had been able to update you here sooner, but I’ve been… otherwise occupied. Let me tell you how I got that way…

It all began when I took this little guy to a Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) adoption event a few weeks ago. His name was Roscoe, and he was pretty darn cute. (This little guy – Tavish – was also there, but more on him in a moment.) I couldn’t stop thinking about him after the event, and convinced the Hub that we should have Bella meet him. We planned to meet him last weekend.

While looking at photos of Roscoe online, the Hub noticed that Roscoe was almost always photographed with Tavish. He then suggested we consider adopting both of them. (By the way, color me surprised – I had thought about suggesting we adopt both, but I figured that the Hub would immediately have me committed as I’d clearly lost my mind.) So, we decided to see how the three pups would do together and planned to visit the shelter on Saturday, June 30.

However, the derecho blew through the DC area on June 29, leaving us without electricity. As our house continued to heat up, we decided to head out to the shelter anyway if it was open. After all, it’s not like it was any cooler in our house than out there! So, after confirming that the shelter was open, Bella, the Hub and I piled into our car. (In spite of Bella’s epic carsickness, she survived the journey intact.) The dogs met, and things went great. That’s when we decided to just go for it… we were about to become a three dog household. (We’ve been calling Tavish the “bonus dog” – he’s been living up to that moniker in delightful fashion.)

Heading to our new home!

The plan was for me to pick them up on Friday. (Of course, our air conditioner decided to stop working Thursday night, leading to much panic on my part. Luckily, the repairman was able to come by and replace some part the next day.) I headed out the shelter, gave my Jane Hancock a few times, and the boys were ours!

Tavish napping on Friday night

Needless to say, I’ve been fairly busy since they got here. Although they seem to be fairly housetrained, boys will be boys… so I’ve been hyper-vigilant in hopes of discouraging marking in the house. Progress has been spotty (pun intended), but it could be worse.

I’ll be posting more about my experience with them this weekend (and seeking whatever sage advice you have to offer on a range of topics, no doubt). It’s not all rainbows and butterflies so far (not that I expected it to be), but for today, I’ll just say… welcome to the family, Roscoe and Tavish! Now I have a tiny herd of puppies.

The first official photo of our tiny herd

So, now you know how one plus one (Bella plus Roscoe) became three. I guess this is what happens when your blog title declares that you want more puppies. You get even more puppies than you bargained for.




38 thoughts on “Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3

    • I know, right? I think I may have been experiencing temporary insanity thinking I could go from 1 to 3! Though I’ll admit, Tavish the bonus dog isn’t really much more work. He’s the good one so far!

      Oh, and Bella’s been getting plenty of sleeping in even with her new visitors. They were all zonked out last night for a while as I watched TV upstairs when I brought them up to get them used to the bedroom.

    • Honestly, I think Bella is handling this the best out of all of us! She was a little wary the first day, but now she seems relatively unconcerned, thank goodness.

  1. LOL! I always thought it was funny that your blog claimed you wanted more puppies and you only had Bella. Now you have joined the ranks of the 3-dog household. Welcome!
    I absolutely love the dog’s names and they are seriously adorable too. I hope Bella will adjust as time goes on. It can be a bit overwhelming when you have a house to yourself and new kids move in. Jasper had a tough time when Lady first came to stay with us, but now she’s his partner in crime.
    Congrats AJ. I wish you and your brood lots of fun and adventure. 🙂
    melF recently posted..How has your pet motivated you?

    • So true… it was a bit funny that I claimed to want more puppies yet never actually acted on that! Not sure why it finally came together this time, but I hope it all works out.

      I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I’ve been trying to remind myself that this period will pass and then we can all just be a family.

  2. I love it! Especially the shot of the big happy bunch at the end. That is a mighty fine looking group of pups. Rescuing is a wonderful thing, and you just signed up for double the pleasure and double the trouble, but it will work out in the end. They say after the first one the rest are easy. I just borrow my babies by fostering, so I get the pack and little vacations in between.
    Poochie Project recently posted..morning nap routine with Dude & Daisy [Flickr]

    • So far, only Roscoe is really any trouble, although perhaps Tavish will start to test his boundaries once he gets settled in. It will be interesting to see how they develop, for sure.

    • Really? I hope you are right. Though I’ve gotten used to Bella – she’s the easiest dog I’ve ever known, so it’ll be hard for them to top that. 🙂

  3. I’m so very excited for you! I was so excited when I saw it on FB. I still want more puppies got them, and Kudos to your hubby! I love that.

    I know if I had chose a smaller breed of dogs I would have more, but right now two are just perfect for me. I’m sure you will have lots of stories to tell.
    Jodi recently posted..Mock 10 With My Hair On Fire

  4. They are all so cute together! I hope they all settle in nicely. We’ve always been a one-dog-at-a-time household and I’ve always worried about adding a 2nd one since the lone one is always SO spoiled. I admire your bravery and fortitude for adding 2 new pups at once! They’re so cute together, I can see how you couldn’t resist Mr. Bonus Pup.

    So, does this mean the blog will henceforth be called “I now have a sufficient number of puppies”?

    Can’t wait to hear more about their adventures.
    Jackie Bouchard recently posted..What the Dog Destroyed?

    • I admit, I’m worried that Bella won’t get enough attention. I definitely don’t want her to feel slighted – after all, she’s my baby!

      Stay tuned for an update tomorrow, but I’ll admit I have joked about naming it “I can’t handle any more puppies” or “I can barely handle the puppies I have.” Kidding… sort of. 😉

  5. So excited about your new additions! They are ADORABLE! I can’t wait to get to know their personalities through your posts 🙂 Hopefully there will be a few funny playtime videos as well
    Stacy and Ellie recently posted..BlogPaws Fun

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