#BtC4A: Great Balls of Fire Safety

Blog the ChangeIt’s Blog the Change Day yet again… a day when pet bloggers and pet lovers come together to blog, read, share, and Be the Change for Animals! Today also happens to be National Pet Fire Safety Day, so that’s the topic of today’s post. I love it when a plan comes together.

There are many ways you can make your home safer for your pets. The first thing to do is to take the time to identify potential hazards in your home and take steps to minimize them. You may want to keep your pets separated from potential hazards. For example, if you like to burn candles, remember to keep them where your pets can’t knock them over. You might also want to extinguish candles when you leave the room – after all, you should never leave your pets unattended with an open flame.

Even if you take every precaution, there’s always the chance that something unexpected will happen. If a fire does break out, make sure you have an evacuation plan that includes your pets – how will you make sure you can get them out safely? You’ll also need to take precautions for when you aren’t home – for example, I have a decal in my front window to alert emergency responders that I have two pups inside in case something happens.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg… of tips. Go here for more.

How do you practice fire safety?




18 thoughts on “#BtC4A: Great Balls of Fire Safety

  1. Great tips! I need to add the decals, although I never burn candles (or use the fireplace for that matter). One thing I do is have a house key with someone close by (who knows all my pets) so they would hopefully have access to the home in case of an emergency if I am away.
    sassmuffins recently posted..Sew Colorful

  2. I also have a sticker on my door. I don’t light candles unless they are high enough the cat can’t get to it (not much of a problem these days since Nick is 20 and not very agile anymore).

    I hadn’t thought seriously about an evacuation plan, but I really need to do so.

    Great post AJ!

    No Dog About It
    BTCA Team
    melf recently posted..Blog the Change: Prevent your dog from getting lost

  3. Good points. In Germany some people still put candles on their Christmas trees instead of lights. We had friends that did that, which gave me heart failure, but they also had a dog running around. I stood next to that tree the entire time, ready to make a run for it at any second. Fire is so scary!
    emma recently posted..Best Elk Antlers Review | GBGV | Tasty Tuesday

  4. Great post. I don’t burn candles very much anymore. I do have a decal on my front door and I always have a plan in my head to get them out. Thankfully they sleep in our room and we keep the door closed and our yard is fenced in. I do need to remember to put collars and leashes in the shed though, so should we have to escape through the bedroom window we will be able to restrain them when we leave the yard.
    Jodi recently posted..Little Lady No Name

  5. Thanks for reminding me about those decals! I received two from the ASPCA and they’ve been sitting in my “to do” pile for weeks. They are now displayed on each of our main entrances to the house!
    I also unplug appliances like the toaster when we aren’t home, and double check that all stove burners are turned off (I might have a little OCD).
    Jan K recently posted..Blog the Change for Animals – A Call To Arms

    • I can relate on the OCD thing… the amount of times that I’ve driven back home just to make sure I closed the garage is more than I’d care to admit!

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