Flipping off cancer… the canine way

Give Cancer the Paw

I’ll admit… when I first saw that there was a blog hop entitled “Give Cancer the Paw,” I thought we were basically flipping it off. You know, a canine twist on giving something (or someone) the finger.

Yeah, I’m classy like that.

For my more sheltered and innocent readers (do I have any of those?), by that I mean:

Giving the finger, verb: (1) Flipping off someone or something (“flipping the bird“); (2) Expressing displeasure using an agreed upon hand signal involving the middle finger; (3) Evaluating a fellow motorist’s driving ability; (4) practicing hand calisthenics while also sending a message;


noun: (1) Beloved gesture of irritated motorists everywhere; (2) Reliable pose for rebellious former child stars trying to be edgy.

I mean, it kind of fits. People are always standing up to cancer or walking for a cure. Why not flip it off too? I can think of plenty of instances where I’d like to tell cancer to shove it where the sun don’t shine. Whenever it takes away someone you love (be it person or pet), it sucks. It sucks bully sticks.

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month – it’s a good time to educate yourself about canine cancer and this blog hop is a great way to start. The Give Cancer the Paw Blog Hop is hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place and Pooch Smooches. Visit those blogs for more information about canine cancer, and be sure to check out the other blogs participating in today’s hop. They’re full of information about prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and more – including personal stories and support.




17 thoughts on “Flipping off cancer… the canine way

  1. I didn’t really think about it that way when we came up with the name. I think it was Jackie’s husband who thought of the name, so maybe that’s the way he was thinking, lol. But whatever the case may be, we want to join paws and unite in supporting each other. And hey, if we end up flipping the bird in the process, as you say, I guess that fits. Thanks for joining our hop!
    Peggy Frezon recently posted..Give Cancer The Paw Blog Hop

  2. Thanks for joining our hop! And, yes, I kinda envisioned our hop name as meaning we were telling cancer to shove it! The hubs wanted me to try to draw a dog “giving cancer the paw” for our button – not exactly “giving the finger” but you know that move (don’t know how to describe it) where you put one fist in the crook of the elbow of your other arm and then thrust your other fist up. (That sounds clear as mud… what is that move called?)

    Anyway, for those who are more delicate, I figured we could say it was “give cancer the paw” as in “paw circles” – for support!

    Cancer can totally go and shove it!
    Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Give Cancer the Paw: 8 Ways We Try to Prevent Cancer

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