Parenting: You’re doing it wrong

My maiden name is pretty common.  So common, in fact, that I’ve often received emails (both personal and professional) for other ladies with the same name.  I try to handle these graciously – telling the sender that they have the wrong person and suggesting they check that email address again.

Of late, I’ve been receiving email for two different people – one college student and one woman with children. (The latter illustrated by the various websites the woman’s child seems to sign up for.)

The most recent installment in this saga is a doozy.  I received an email from who I assume to be the dad of the college student. I learned the following things: (1) he is writing her papers for her (there was an attachment as proof); (2) he informed her that “paper #3 you will have to write because your class has a mandatory attendance to the MLK convocation and paper #3 is on that”; and (3) he will provide her with highlighted journal articles that he has read when she comes home next time.

I mean… what does one do with an email like that?  Even better, the attached paper was a “think paper” for an education class, in which the “author” claims that she will be able to help shape students to become better model citizens. She/he also notes that she will always take a stand for teaching right from wrong. Um…

Parenting: you’re doing it wrong.

Anyway, I told Tavish about this incident.  In response (and thanks to the recommendation of a friend), Tavish decided to channel his inner Ryan Dogsling:

Tavish Dogsling via

I could be a meme, right?

Who could argue with that?




15 thoughts on “Parenting: You’re doing it wrong

  1. Oh my god – I was JUST thinking about how back in the days before email (I know… I grew up in the dark ages) we had to do our own darn homework, unless there was someone near by to help out. (Had this thought cuz a Facebook friend was complaining in a post about getting an email tonight from her son w/ a paper he needs her to edit – oh, and it’s due first thing tomorrow. At least he wrote it himself though!) My parents never helped me with my college work. They didn’t even know if I went to class or not – or what classes I was taking. (Had to add that cuz my sis sits next to a guy at work that she always hears calling/online arranging his college age daughter’s class schedule for her.) Seriously… how are these kids going to make it in the world when it’s time to get a job if they can’t do stuff on their own?? (The hubs has some of these kids working for him… and it’s very interesting.)

    And, yes, I think Tavish could totally be a meme. (And we used to get emails all the time for the hubs accidentally cuz he has a super common name in Canada, and his email is just his name @ hotmail. Some of them were very interesting! Wonder why we stopped getting those??)
    Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Wordless Wed.: The Dog’s a Fan of the Bone Broth Craze!

  2. With all of the online classes going on today they make is super easy for this to happen. I know of two people personally who did their child/husband’s homework in online classes.

    I think it’s appalling #1 for academic reasons, giving someone a grade they don’t deserve and 2) what exactly are the kids learning? That someone will always be around to do what you need done and you don’t need to work hard?
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  3. First, Ryan Dogsling made me laugh out loud at work. LOL! I love your puns.

    Second, judos to you for calling out this dad and his daughter. What the hell is wrong with parents today? Why do they feel the need to do EVERYTHING for them, including cheating, lying and stealing?

    So inexcusable. I think you should send a link to the story to the dad. Think he will agree with Tavish? 🙂
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  4. I will admit to proofreading all of my husband’s papers for school. He is dyslexic, and his spelling is atrocious. However, he does write all of his own work. He has never asked for help other than with spelling checks, and I am willing to do that. I definitely think you should reply to the father. What happens when his daughter has a job and has to do for herself? She will be hurting. I understand parents want to make life easier for their kids, but writing college papers for her is taking it too far.

    • I’m totally with you – proofreading is one thing, but just doing the work from someone is a whole other matter! And I do agree she will definitely be ill-prepared to do things on her own. Very unfortunate.

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