You otter know

The pun in the title of this post may have given away today’s topic…

  1. As always, we start with punny animal names:  Sam Otterston and Otter Preminger.
  2. Up next, an otter playing with rocks.  This video… well, it rocks.  (Insert rimshot here.)
  3. Then, a video of two baby otters learning to swim.  The cuteness is epic. 
  4. Otters are the new cats?  You be the judge.
  5. As Dr. V will tell you, G is for Giant Otter.  Not familiar with the Giant Otter?  That’s okay – take a moment to gaze at some adorable babies.  Once you’ve sufficiently cooed over their cuteness, then check out these otter facts.
  6. We’ve been focusing on wild otters, but did you know that some people have otters as pets?  I had no idea.  (Anyone want to educate me here?  Otters are wild animals after all, so I’m kind of skeptical about the wisdom of having one as a pet.)  In any event, check out this video of these pet otters hanging out in their playhouse and this one of a pretty adorable otter named Sydney.

I leave you today with a video that captures some very excited otters in action – warning, if you have the sound on, I have a feeling your dog will do the head tilt.  Perhaps repeatedly.

(via Paw Nation)

For more otter facts, go check out this excerpt from a PBS special – it’s both educational and cute!




9 thoughts on “You otter know

  1. Does anyone else think those jumping otters are saying, "If I get out of here, I'm going to bite your nose."? Oh, it's just me. Ok.

    I loved seeing the otter juggle rocks.

  2. Otters are adorable. We have river otters in this part of Virginia and a pair of them are in a local zoo (that has a special underwater viewing tank). They are so much fun to watch. 🙂 (But I'm with you, they are not pet material.)

  3. We have lots of Otters up here…sea otters and river otters.
    Now I otter go get busy.

    I know, booo, Hissss

  4. Are you familiar with Alanis Morisette's song, "You Otter Know?" (First time I heard it, I almost had a car accident out of shock at the lyrics– do not post on family-friendly page!)

  5. Pamela – maybe you're right!

    Ryker – I enjoyed your pun… but I guess that's not surprising!

    Life Student – That may have been the inspiration for my post title… 😉

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