Everything really is better with puppies

The amazing and wonderful Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes (don’t you just love the name?) recently highlighted my humble blog as one of her favorites.  (Pamela had the brilliant idea to encourage her readers to visit some other fun dog blogs out there – including another of my faves, 24 Paws of Love – while she was on vacation… I just may have to “borrow” this idea one day.  In case you can’t tell, I want to be like Pamela when I grow up.)

Anyway, I’d like to take this moment to return the sentiment.  I highly recommend you swing by and check out Something Wagging This Way Comes to meet Pamela and her Golden Retriever, Honey, whose cuteness is off the charts.  Threre are so many fun and interesting things on Something Wagging – one of my favorite regular features is “The Puppiness Project.”  It’s a twist on Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project (which I also loved), in which Pamela attempts to learn how to be happy by studying Honey.  It’s an absolutely brilliant concept, and it will really get you thinking.  (A small sample: the merits of cuddling, learning to eat with gusto, and trying to expect the best from people.)  Maybe we’d all be better people if we followed our dogs’ examples!

However, my favorite post title has to be this one: “Everything’s Better with Puppies.”  If I didn’t already have a blog title, I’d be begging Pamela to let me borrow that one! 

So, in honor of Pamela and Honey, I suggest we all embrace our inner puppy and enjoy life without worrying about who is watching or if we look absolutely ridiculous, like this guy:

(via Best Week Ever)

The happiness is just radiating off that video in waves… it’s a nice a reminder to enjoy the simple things, try not to take everything too seriously, and have some fun.  Now get out there, tell Monday you’re going to have fun in spite of it, and enjoy your week! 




20 thoughts on “Everything really is better with puppies

  1. Awww, thank you so much. That's so nice of you. And I'm glad you like the Puppiness Project.

    When I started it, I wondered if I could come up with something every week for a year but now I'm wondering if I could learn from Honey forever–especially if I go back to work on the stuff I never really learned in the first place.

    Great video. Honey liked it too–she's the first dog I've ever had who watches videos.

    Your kindness, sense of humor (especially the puns), and interesting finds all keep me coming back for more–even if I couldn't look forward to sweet pix of Bella on a regular basis.

    Thanks again for the shout out!

  2. It's true, you always find such great videos. Honey was having such a lot of fun and I loved how she got them all, how did she know to do that 😀 Sounds like a great blog too, heading over there!

  3. I also love Something Wagging this Way Comes… Well deserved recognition for both of you! Cute video, esp. the end when he's all done! I think the noise of popping balloons would scare Kelly.

  4. You're welcome, Pamela! And thank you SO much for the nice words about my blog! The Puppiness Project is one of my favorites.

    So cute that Honey watches videos. I think Bella would be like Peggy's Kelly – the noise would probably freak her out. (Honestly, I'm not such a big balloon fan myself in person. I always seemed to be overly worried about them popping.)

    Oh, and Cate – that's not Honey, but another dog named Bunk (a video I found elsewhere). You'd have to ask Pamela if Honey would be into balloon hunting. 🙂

  5. Yay for celebrating happiness. It's really something we all forget to do. Somedays it is very hard to spread the kindness. But I find as soon as I do, I usually feel so much better. 🙂

  6. Thanks for sharing, I have some new blogs to check out!

    edit: my captcha code for this comment was "petchant" how cute!

  7. Thanks for introducing me to a great blogger I hadn't met before. And that video had me smiling from ear to ear. Great find!

  8. I often dream about being uninhibited, like Bunk. Sadly, I fear a straight jacket would be in my future. 🙂

    Seriously, I LOVE the video! And I think you and Pamela both have excellent blogs. Here's to happiness!

  9. Great video! I love your message in the last paragraph – keep it simple, keep it fun, don't stress.

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Wicked name for a blog. I follow Something Wagging on Facebook and I love to drop in and read the puppiness posts!

  11. After watching that video, I am left wondering… why do they have a bathtub, a filing cabinet, and a bed all in the same room? 🙂

    Honey and Bella are both adorable doggies, and their owners aren't bad chicks either!

  12. Thanks for pointing out some blogs we should check out.

    I also agree that people can learn a lot from us dogs.

    I am trying to teach the Lady Of The House to live in the moment and focus on one thing at a time – and find joy in the little things. Because they are usually the important things really.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  13. What a great birthday party! Awesome! Hilarious! Make a note Mom. Room full of balloons on my next Birthday k? 😀

    Waggin at ya,

  14. Stacy – "petchant" is an awesome captcha! 🙂

    Elizabeth – so true… perhaps we need to be as uninhibited as Bunk minus just a little. LOL.

    Life Student – me too! I'm guessing they live in a VERY small studio apartment?

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