K9 Kamp Challenge #1: Make it work

PhotobucketThis week’s challenge?  Walk it off.

The first K9 Kamp task was to walk for 60 minutes this week.  Given the fact that it feels like it’s been raining here for a month, I had a feeling that completing this challenge would be… well, a challenge.

We did manage to get in two good walks outside.  For the first walk, we had some company.  Bella had a play date with our friends’ new dog, Dozer.  (Photos below.)  It was the first time the two had met, so we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood together before letting them run around in the backyard.  (In addition to our walk, Bella got plenty of running and romping in that day as well.  She was one sleepy pup that evening!)

For our second walk, we managed to get out during one of the rare sunny spells.  However, to complete our final minutes for the week, I had to get creative.  Things here have felt sort of like a monsoon – going outside was not a great option, so I decided to improvise.  Bella and I did some laps around the house instead.  I’m sure anyone looking through my windows would think I’d finally gone insane.  In any event, I convinced Bella to follow me around the first floor by carrying her favorite rope bone.  It ultimately became a walk/tug hybrid, but I think we did the best we could given the circumstances.

Be sure to check in with Kol’s Notes and Peggy’s Pet Place today to read more recaps of the first challenge, and then check them out tomorrow for Challenge #2.  To tide you over until then, I leave you with a few photos from Bella’s play date…

I’m not sure what’s up with Bella’s face in that last photo… she
managed to get stuff stuck to her face during the course of the play
date.  I removed it, of course – but not without taking a quick photo




20 thoughts on “K9 Kamp Challenge #1: Make it work

  1. Gotta love your commitment to the challenge! Hope the weather cooperates better for future challenges! Dozer and Bella are adorable together 🙂

    The Road Dogs

  2. Woof! Woof! Golden Luck to your challenge … most importantly have FUN and just don't think it as a challenge. Happy WEDNESDAY! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Congrats on the challenge, sounds like you are making great progress!
    Love the photos, they look so precious together. And Dozer staring at those treats totally cracked me up. Great pics! 🙂

  4. Tugging/walking around the house was a good idea for a rainy day walk. Of course, if you had gone out in the mud, you would have really gotten a workout. The squish every time you walked would be added resistance to your workout.

  5. We are walking twice a day now- mostly because we can't run around our fence until they get it fixed. But we like it so will probably continue. woo woo woo!

  6. Julie – Dozer and the treats was so cute! I was glad I had my camera nearby.

    Pamela – I think you underestimate Bella's prissy nature. I practically have to drag her out the door when it's raining. 😛

  7. Good for you for getting out there no matter the weather! 🙂 Dozer is a handsome guy! Glad he and Bella enjoy each other's company 🙂 You know you've had a good time if you have stuff all over you at the end 😉

    Waggin at ya,

  8. This week's challenge should be fun for you both! I love that you snapped a photo of the stuff stuck to her head before removing. BOL!

  9. BZ Training – maybe she was making a costume for a fall festival.

    Peggy – as long as it involves a rope toy, Bella will be happy!

  10. WOOT WOOT! Way to work it out! We are super impressed that you were able to git 'er done without getting wet. You get bonus points for creativity.

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