Grab your puppy purse & meet me on the red carpet

As you know, I am addicted to awards shows. The Academy Awards are this weekend, which makes me feel… well, kind of like this.

(Oh, and if you follow me on Twitter, I apologize in advance for the fact that I will probably tweet far too much about the Oscars on Sunday evening.)

  1. Your punny pet names are, of course, inspired by this year’s nominees: Spaniel Day-Lewis, Alan Barkin, and Fang Lee. 
  2. I wish I was throwing an Oscar party so that I could make these punny foods. I’m especially partial to Beets of the Southern Wild.
  3. Has there ever been a puppy purse on the red carpet at the Academy Awards? Well, there will be soon. To paraphrase Ted Mosby… Pulling. It. Off.
  4. I would very much like to hire these animal doppelgängers to star in punny remakes of my favorite Oscar movies. (Until then, this video will have to do.)
  5. If that random Tupac hologram isn’t available, maybe the Academy should consider asking Tupac Shacorgi to be a presenter instead. Ratings gold.
  6. I enjoy this slightly different take on the Best Picture race.
  7. Speaking of Best Picture winners, these posters are pretty cool.
  8. Still need to fill out your Oscar ballot? Here’s one way to make your picks.

I was torn between two videos this week, both starring the canine star of a past Best Picture winner: Uggie from The Artist! Although this one features Uggie in a tie, the corny humor in the video below edged it out by the slimmest of margins.

Finally, in conclusion… thanks, Meryl.




9 thoughts on “Grab your puppy purse & meet me on the red carpet

  1. I have a puppy purse. I can’t believe y’all don’t.

    The doppelgangers are hysterical. (And speaking of doppelgangers and Ron Swanson… I have a friend whose dog looks just like him.) Maybe I’ll post their pics on my own blog and steal – I mean borrrow – your idea of sharing the Oscar nominee doppelgangers. (I’ve never used the word doppelganger so many times in one paragraph. And I learned that it needs an umlaut, so this was educational. Thank you.)
    Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Mirth Watch Thursday: March of the Penguin

    • You really have one? How have I been missing out?

      You totally need to post a picture of the dog that looks like Ron Swanson! (I didn’t know there was an umlaut until spell check taught me while I was doing this post, so we’re learning together.)

  2. I also get excited about the award shows. Until I realize that due to my tight budget this year, I haven’t seen any of the films. 🙂

    Adding more dogs (although who needs the dresses and bows) would definitely win my vote.

    And I’m sure I’d do a lot more drinking if there were Jack Russells involved.
    Pamela | Something Wagging This Way Comes recently posted..10 Tips To Take Your Dog from Homebody to Adventure Pup

    • I didn’t see as many as usual – I didn’t even manage to go see Argo, and it won. Oops! I did see Silver Linings Playbook, Les Mis & Life of Pi.

      Isn’t everything better with more dogs? 🙂

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