It’s maybe perhaps just a little bit chancy, but today is the time for flights of Seussical fancy

You may recall it’s an annual tradition, my writing a post for Seuss-ian recognition. (If you are new to this blog of the furry, or if your memory is just a bit blurry, you can find posts from a past calendar year by vigorously clicking first here and then here.)

A dramatic reenactment of the creation of today’s post, via

  1. We begin with names that are loaded with pun – I just pray that this practice does not make you run. Although I do slightly fear your reprisal, I’ve already done puns based on dear Mr. Geisel. So today’s offerings relate to the Academy knock – without further adieu, meet Sandra SeaGullock.
  2. Speaking of puns in a Seussian vein, this Seusstastic menu board is awesome and mildly insane.
  3. Although the concept might sound kind of loose, this guy’s pretending to be celebrities reading Dr. Seuss. If the imitation game strikes you as a scam, here’s an actual celebrity reading Green Eggs and Ham.
  4. A word of hope – don’t fear the task of seeking publication. Seuss was rejected many a time before his eventual proliferation.
  5. Given that flights of whimsy were often his wont, I bet Seuss would approve of this fun elefont.
  6. If you’re thinking of writing in classic Seussian style, you might use these animal sounds for the extra mile. (Then you can read it to a homeless dog or a cat, and they would totally appreciate your doing of that.)
  7. If celebrating this man’s birthday would fill you with glee, make sure to decorate with Sneetches and a Truffula Tree.
  8. In addition to the birthday of this wordsmithing light, the Oscars are airing on this Sunday night. If this awards show news fills you with great jubilation, you might want to make it a pun-filled celebration.

Finally, I share today’s video installment. I’ve selected some Pugs for your viewing enjoyment. (I did consider sharing a feline film instead, but I flipped a coin that landed right on its head.)

We’re now at the end of this year’s novel-length rhyme. I hope that you had a splendiferous time. Should you want to leave words of a commenting type, I’ll remind you that the time for poetic license is ripe!




10 thoughts on “It’s maybe perhaps just a little bit chancy, but today is the time for flights of Seussical fancy

  1. Your Seussical jaunt was quite fancy
    So much rhyminess was entrancy
    But no time for poetic pugilism
    I’ve got to use the euphemism

    And if you get that little Seuss reference you really are the queen of pop culture. Or you’re older than you look. 🙂

    BTW, I’m planning to change all my words over to Elefont as soon as I can figure out how.
    Pamela recently posted..Why Dog Lovers Piss Me Off

  2. Dee still has her Seuss books,
    they’re on their 3rd generation.
    But her favorite will remain
    filled with great Whobilation.
    She says her favorite character of all
    is some furry named Max.
    Because he is the epitome of
    dogs helping fill heart-cracks.

    Loved, loved, LOVED this post of yours,
    and the previous 2 were just wonderful.
    Thanks for the memories,
    where life’s Seussically punderful!

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