You can’t go wrong with The Poodle (and Dog) Blog

Pet Blogger's Gift ExchangeIt’s that time again, my friends.  Trees have been knocked over by intrepid feline Magellans and claimed by dogs confused by the sudden appearance of decorative indoor toilets.  Stockings have been knocked off the chimney with care by cantankerous cats and then been mistaken for dog toys. Traditions abound.

One of those traditions? The Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange (or, as I like to call it, the PBGE) hosted by the brilliant Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes.  Instead of gifts wrapped in paper and bows, we exchange compliments, encouragement, and love.

I’ve been paired up with some pretty fantastic bloggers in the past, and this year is no exception.  You may be familiar with Jan from The Poodle (and Dog) Blog.  If not, you’re in for a real treat today – prepare to find a new blog to add to your must-read list!  Jan’s been blogging since 2005, showing us all how it’s done.  She’s smart, funny, and generally just the greatest.

So… today, I’m dedicating a link roundup to The Poodle (and Dog) Blog and all of its awesomeness.  Join me as we explore some of the many reasons to love this blog (and, at the end of this post, find out how you can help me make this gift really special).  I’ve picked some links from 2014 to highlight, but trust me when I tell you that all of the archives are worth checking out. (Chuck Norris agrees.)


Ready? Continue reading


Canine Christmas carols, part deux

That’s right, I’m referencing a Charlie Sheen movie from 1993. What of it?

Anyway, it’s time for another caroldy installment. After all, caroldies are the reason for the season (or so I’ve heard). First, I’d like to share my new favorite caroldy, composed by Kristine from Rescued Insanity. She gave Wham’s Last Christmas the caroldy treatment, and it is amazing and awesome. Go read it.

(Wham!’s? How the heck do I make a band name ending in an exclamation point possessive? Oh, grammar gods, I need your help.)


Up next, a few caroldies shared in the comments last weekContinue reading


Caption this dog: Strange bedfellows

Facts about today’s post: (1) Bella likes to snuggle with a flowerpot; (2) I wish she would snuggle with Tavish instead; and (3) I couldn’t decide whether to go with a Mannequin joke, or some sort of doggelganger thing.

(The latter just makes me think of the Vampire Diaries – eventually, all the roles will just be played by Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev, right? That seems to be where we’re headed.They better keep Ian Sommerhalder around though – I think that the viewing public would heartily approve of some Damon doppelgangers* walking around.)

Anyway, moving on…

Mannequin: The Canine Remake

She’s starring in an all-canine remake of Mannequin.

Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!

* I could not figure out how to make an umlaut. Please take a pencil** and draw one*** on your screen.

** I’m recommending a pencil so that you can erase it when you’re done, lest you find yourself with a rogue umlaut permanently terrorizing your screen.

*** Don’t actually do that. Use your imagination, silly.


The hills are alive with the sound of puns (and dinosaurs)

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for me to lob some linkage your way!

Oh, and before we get to today’s linkage, a little shameless self-promotion. I’m back again this week guest posting on the Grouchy Puppy blog. Check out this week’s post, which contains the best poem ever. I’m not even really exaggerating. (If you missed last week’s guest post, never fear… here you go.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Finnidict Cumberbatch, Mick Wagger, and Finnifer Lawrence. (Long live the Oxford comma! I don’t care what they say. Grammar nerd 4EVA… er, forever.)
  2. Speaking of puns, maybe I should apply for a job at Charmin.
  3. Forget November. It’s Dinovember from now - If history repeats itself, I'm so getting a dinosaur.
  4. Although… I wouldn’t be opposed to some sort of Novemb-grrr (Dogvember? Novemfur?) twist instead. (After all, everything is better with a dog.)
  5. It is possible, however, that even a dog couldn’t salvage this Sound of Music remake. (Okay, I’m obviously not as nice as Maria herself. To make up for it, I’ll just leave this here.)
  6. This last link is unrelated to anything, but I don’t care. ZONKEY!

Now, for today’s video… although, I’d obviously prefer you adopt your pet dinosaur from a dino shelter instead of buying him at a pet store. You might want to do your homework first and look into some dino training classes too:

FInally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for now… see you next week. (Same dino time, same dino channel…)
