That Guy! tells all

Today, I have a very special treat for you. In honor of our fifth Tavishversary, my husband (or, as I assume Tavish calls him, “That Guy!!”) has authored today’s Tavish-tastic tribute. Ā I’ll let him take it away…

Five years ago today, a very goofy furry little dude, who had just endured a derecho blowing through the shelter the week before, immediately jumped into my lap, licked me in the face, perked up his ears and said ā€œMine?ā€ ā€“ so of course he had to go home with us.Ā  (Have you seen his face?Ā  Itā€™s very tough to argue with those eyes and pointy ears of his, even if he canā€™t actuallyĀ talk to us.Ā  Although sometimes we joke about what he would say if he could hold up signs like a Looney Tunes cartoon character.)

Five years later, heā€™s still an absolute goofball who remains afraid of water, including his very own water bowl, and has yet to really truly grasp walking up flights of stairs ā€“ itā€™s more of a controlled upward fall than anything resembling walking, especially the outside deck stairs.Ā  Maybe this is why we have to have a water bowl on every floor of our house for him? Ā At leastĀ we’ve come up with a solution to his being scared of fireworks problem ā€“ we leave whatever 4th of July party we are at around sundown, bring him down into the media room, and turn the music up to 11. Ā He usually then sleeps through the whole thing, none the wiser that it sometimes sounds like WWIII outside.Ā  (Note to people who started their fireworks on Friday this year and decided to make it a four-day long weekend event ā€“ please, letā€™s do less.)

Nonetheless, he still has the boundless energy of a puppy, still revs himself up to run anywhere he goes in the house, and still only turns left (heā€™s apparently a big fan of NASCAR) when he runs in from outside and does his lap around the house because he is moving so quickly he canā€™t stop or change direction.Ā  He also has an uncanny sense of time ā€“ he knows exactly when heā€™s supposed to have breakfast, and dinner, and ā€œpaymentā€ (aka a treat) for allowing us the privilege of taking him for a walk, or when we leave for work in the morning.Ā  And, of course, he can hear the bag of treats crinkling from two floors away.Ā  Even if his 5:30AM wakeup calls arenā€™t always the most welcome (oh, are you trying to sleep in on a Saturday?Ā  Let me remind you itā€™s now time for my breakfast!), we wouldnā€™t have it any other way.Ā  Heā€™s our little dude, and we look forward to the next five years of his adorable cartoon character antics.

Fun fact: My husband is also the creator of the Inspector Tavish Twitter account. (We were obviously meant to be.)

Let's go Tavish! via

He’s ready for adventure!

What more is there to say? Ā Happy Gotcha Day, little dude!





6 thoughts on “That Guy! tells all

  1. Oh how I LOVED THIS!!! I see your husband is a talented writer too! I laughed about the fireworks, we don’t have a media room, but….we crank the TV up SUPER SUPER LOUD, (the heck with the neighbors in our building) and it helps. Guess what? Here in Michigan they are actually talking about BANNING private displays next year (and moving forward), in 2011 they legalized private fireworks displays and now they are seriously considering changing that. Paws crossed!!! HAPPY HAPPY TAVISHVERSARY!!!!

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