BlogPaws Episode 5: Blogging with the stars

Previously… I ate some cheesecake and finished the educational portion of Day 1.

After learning about various bloggy things, the first day of sessions was over.  It was time to head back out into that big lobby and chat it up once again before our screening of Spooky Buddies.  Luckily, I quickly encountered Kim from This One Wild Life, who was kind enough to allow me to be her wingwoman (wingblogger?) for the evening.

We grabbed a glass of wine (farewell to my final drink ticket) and some popcorn (in my book, wine goes with anything) while we waited for the evening’s festivities to get underway.

After mingling for a bit, the doors opened and we headed inside.  We picked up some movie snacks and grabbed a seat a few rows from the front.  Little did we know that the rows in front of us would later be removed and we’d be in the very first row… not that I’m complaining, but it was somewhat unexpected.  Anyway, Kim and I chatted for a while about this and that – it was like hanging out with an old friend.  (Kim, feel free to correct me in the comments if you thought it was more like hanging out with an annoying person who won’t go away… I kid, I kid.)

Here’s the coolest part… not long before the movie began, Kim and I checked our Twitter feeds (hey, it’s a blogging conference) to find out the results of the Petties (it’s like the Oscars, but for pet blogs).  Be the Change for Animals (which Kim co-founded) won for Best Cause Blog!  It was a pretty amazing moment – and fortunately, the BlogPaws photographer happened to swing by at the perfect time and get it on camera.

(Check out her acceptance speech – Be the Change for Animals donated its $1,000 to Best Friends Animal Society.  Pretty great, huh?)

Not long after that, it was time for the movie premiere of Spooky Buddies – BlogPaws was the first press screening in the country.  I’ll admit, I’ve never seen any of the other movies in the franchise, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

The basic story – the five main characters (a.k.a the Buddies, a group of five adorable Golden Retriever puppies) encounter the legend of the Howl-oween Hound and must stop Warwick the Warlock’s evil plan before it’s too late.

The movie was cute… not necessarily one I would have sought out on my own, but I definitely think kids would like it.  I actually enjoyed it – there was something about the crowd (including dogs barking at the screen) that just made it a fun experience.  Here’s the trailer:

Obviously, I’m not the only blogger writing up her thoughts on her Spooky Buddies experience these days.  For a few more, go visit Bocci’s Beefs (and find out how many stand-ins each puppy had on set), My Tail Hurts from Wagging So Much (for an interview with the director), and The Chronicles of Cardigan (for a firsthand account of what it was like to watch the movie with your pups). 

After the movie, it was time for a Q&A session with the director.  I have to imagine that working with kids and puppies is quite the challenge, but he really seemed to enjoy it.

Once the Q&A ended, we had the opportunity to get our photo taken
with one of the stars – an adorable puppy dressed in a bunny costume. 
The photographer wasn’t very quick on the draw – which didn’t work so
well when a tired puppy was involved.

In the interest of getting these
photos done quickly so that the pup could get out of his duds and take a
nap, Kim and I did our photo as a duo.  Once I have a copy, I’ll
definitely share it here.

Once that was all done, Kim invited me to crash a Greenies happy hour that she was invited to attend at the hotel bar.  I was a bit hesitant, but I’m glad I let her talk me into it.  I had a fantastic time chatting with Doreen from Doggies and Stuff, Jess from Indy Dog Blog (a party crasher like me), and others.

Eventually, it was time for me to say goodnight and head home.  After I got home, I snuggled with Bella and caught up on Project Runway.

One day down, one more to go.  I was able to attend the second day, but I did end up ducking out a bit early due to the hurricane. Never fear, I still have lots to tell you.

Up next?  More sessions, some great speakers, a photo shoot or two, and meeting up with some more of my favorite bloggers.




9 thoughts on “BlogPaws Episode 5: Blogging with the stars

  1. Oh, thank goodness. I thought you might find me to be the annoying person who wouldn't go away. It totally could have gone down like this…

    "You should come with me to the Greenies Brand Party with me." Kim grabs Pup Fan's arm.

    "Uh…" Pup Fan looks at Kim's hand with trepidation.

    "No, really. It'll be great." Kim squeezes her fingers, choking off Pup Fan's circulation.

    Pup Fan searches for an excuse, "Well, I feel a bit like a crasher, not being invited and all."

    Kim persists, "Look. You have your own wine. It's not crashing if you aren't asking for drinks."

    "Uh…" Pup Fan searches for another excuse.

    Kim emphasizes once more, "I REALLY think you should come."

    Pup Fan's brain screams in the silence of her own thoughts, "Let go, Crazy Lady! Can't you see I want to get away from you?"

    Hahaha. <— evil laugh.

    Seriously, thanks for hanging out and making the event that much more fun. It felt like we were old friends the moment we met and I really did enjoy your company. 🙂

  2. LOL… your version does make for a much more entertaining recap.

    However, I had a blast… you were the perfect BlogPaws wingwoman! 🙂

  3. Project Runway??? You won't tell us your real name but you'll admit to THAT?

    I think I've mentioned this already, but my kids LOVE the Buddy movies. I do not. Snarl.

  4. Ok, isn't the idea of a wingwoman to have someone there to ease the way to a pick up? Were you looking for new men? Or new dogs?

    Either way, I could see this post getting you in real trouble.

    Although Honey usually likes watching dogs in screen, she did not think much of the Buddy movies. I think she assumes they're not real dogs if they're speaking in English. She's such a snob about bilingualism. She's a real "barklish" first kind of dog.

    We'll need to work on that.

    Great recap.

  5. Oskar – Major bummer! I wish we had gotten to meet.

    houndstooth – Really? It would have been so cool to meet you too.

    Life Student – I love PR. I'll admit it. Though I don't love it as much now that it's on Lifetime. I think they've made some unwelcome changes. (And I could see how the Buddy movies could drive one crazy…)

    Pamela – Maybe I was trying to pick up other bloggers to befriend? Who knows. 🙂

  6. Sadly, I never even saw the bar. There was a bar? I threw away both my red tickets AND missed the bar?! Story of my life!

    (Very kind recap, BTW.) 🙂

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