I live in an Angry Birds game

Luna, A Dog's Life

We moved into this house in the winter of 2009. This marks the third spring we’ve spent here. The past two years were fairly uneventful. However, here in 2012, things have taken a puzzling turn. Before I get too far into it, I should warn you that this post is a long one. I promise I’ll try to make it worth your while…

For some reason, the neighborhood birds have decided that my house is a problem that needs to be pecked out of existence. It’s like living in a live-action version of Angry Birds. The siege began in April, when this little bird decided that the shiny plate on our front door was looking at him (or her) funny.

In case you can’t tell, he’s pecking away at the shiny plate. We thought perhaps he thought the reflection was another bird looking back at him. So, we took preventative measures – first, we covered the shiny plate with wax, hoping that it would dull the reflection and the bird would think he scared the other one away. No such luck. Next, we covered the door in painter’s tape – nothing classier than a bright blue rectangle on your front door. It worked, although it didn’t look so great. So, the husband replaced the painter’s tape with some paper. The bird stayed away. Round 1 to the humans.

Alas, that was not the end of our bird-related troubles. With the front door safely secured, another bird decided to continue the attack on the side of the house.

That happened for a while, and we weren’t sure what to do about it. However, that bird seems to have given up. Due to forfeit, Round 2 also goes to the humans.

Things have been relatively quiet on the bird front recently. However, this morning while I fought off napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of a bird gently rapping, tapping on the house’s front door. (Quoth the raven, “Nevermore”? I guess not.)

I ventured outside, and our Angry Bird defense system had been compromised.

And yes, in case you are wondering, those little white dots are bird poop. When you’re part of an attacking bird horde, I guess you don’t have time to go somewhere else to do that. (Maybe this bird knows how Jack Bauer felt on 24.)  Today, we’ll fix the paper and perhaps the Front Door Bird (FDB) will leave us be.

While FDB was doing his thing, one of his compatriots decided to take advantage of my distraction to attack our rear flank. By that, I mean that he decided the back window was an unguarded and tempting target.

The victor of Rounds 3 and 4 are yet to be determined. However, as far as I can tell, we’re surrounded. The husband has even seen another bird attempting to breach our basement window. (I’ll have to attempt to score some footage of the basement brigade – I went downstairs this morning to find two different birds at two different basement windows, but they flew away before I could get them on film.)

We’ll need to shore up our defenses and prepare for a long siege. Also, perhaps I need to hire a bird psychologist to find out why this year the birds have decided that our house is some sort of fortress to attack. Maybe they think Bella looks like this?

It really should be Queen Puppy, but I'm too lazy to fix it.

Years (and apartments) ago, there was a Mockingbird that used to dive bomb Bella’s butt on a regular basis. I’ve told you of her past goose-licking attempt. Perhaps word of her prior bird-related actions has finally reached this neighborhood.

Whatever the cause, I hope we can reach some sort of treaty. I’ve got a white flag ready for the waving. I can only imagine what their demands will be, but I hope they’re willing to compromise. It’s kind of hard for me to move my house out of their way.





32 thoughts on “I live in an Angry Birds game

  1. It must be a sign. Who knows what though… You either need to stop playing Angry Birds or adopt one. They are rebelling in some way. Have you tried putting out a bird feeder in the yard?

  2. I so feel for you. Since we’ve lived here (2007) we’ve had a wood pecker peck two different LARGE holes in the house, had a squirrel in our attic and another bird attempted to peck out some wood that was looking a bit shady. I’ve heard the way to deter them is an owl. No, not a real owl, one like this http://www.nextag.com/bird-owl-scare/compare-html. Here is another link about ways to deter http://www.birds.cornell.edu/wp_about/control.html once we saw a bank that had a speaker that made an owl sound but I’ve as yet been able to find it. The way I understand it the owl is a bird of prey so it will deter other birds. Hope this helps.
    Jodi recently posted..Ouch THAT Bit Me!

  3. We have so many angry birds down under. This year’s been quite bad with a few dogs and humans coming home from walks with bloody ears. Do NOT put out a bird feeder. If they’re anything like our local birds, this will attract more of them to your house and neighbourhood and if you ever decide to stop feeding them, all hell will break loose. Someone here had his whole house pecked and pretty much ruined this way. (It happened some years back, read about it in the papers.) Of course the birds here (like lorikeets, cockatoos and noisy miners) are much bigger than the ones in your vids, but who knows? We’re not encouraged to feed wildlife anyway.

    The question is WHY are they pecking? It almost looks like they’re trying to get in. Maybe there’s a fat juicy caterpillar in your house? A mystery. Keep us updated on this one!
    Georgia Little Pea recently posted..Menauposal musings.

    • That’s good to know about the bird feeder – I don’t want to give them more reasons to rage against me! Crazy that they pecked someone’s house that way.

      As for why, I wish I knew! They’ve never done this before.

  4. Scary stuff! Birds have always frightened me slightly. I think it relates to a goose that chased me around my grandfather’s farm yard. But smaller birds give me pause as well, with their little beaks and unreadable expressions. There are actually a couple starlings nesting in my neighbours’ attic. I’ve known starlings to be very protective and I am surprised we haven’t been divebombed yet.

    Perhaps it’s time to get a cat?
    Kristine recently posted..Self-Definition vs. Self-Limitation

    • Birds tend to make me a bit nervous too, especially ones with bigger beaks. (These small ones make me less anxious.)

      I don’t know if Bella would agree to the addition of a cat!

  5. LOL! That is hilarious! Are you hiding Alfred Hitchcock inside by chance? Totally bizarre.

    I suspect that all of your bird attack issues are all the same. Window reflection. Did you just clean your windows? Or, are they hitting it at the time when the reflection is just perfect? All the behaviors I see are territorial, so it must be their reflection. My recommendation? Play hawk sounds (get them off of YouTube) outside and scare the birdshit out of them. 🙂
    MelF recently posted..What does a dog blogger do on Memorial Day?

    • Haha… if the bird siege continues, I’m totally going with a Hitchcock theme next time. 😉

      I’m going to have to pay closer attention to the when and where of their attacks – my windows aren’t that clean, especially on the outside (don’t judge my sloppy housekeeping… hehe), but perhaps it’s a certain time of day. (Except for Front Door Bird. He works on that thing all day unless it’s covered.)

      Good idea on the hawk sounds!

  6. Birds get a bit insane around nesting season. The cherry orchards around here put up huge balloons that look like giant eyes (your neighbors should love that). BTW, are the neighbors seeing the same behavior?

    And I’ve seen sailors hang old CDs from their lifelines to keep birds from perching on them. Yep, you’ll make your place look like a trailer park but at least you won’t have those menacing birds pecking at your house.

    How does Bella respond when the birds start trying to get in?
    Pamela recently posted..My Dog Is Trying to Kill Me

    • LOL… I now have a mental picture of my house covered in giant eyes and old CDs. I’d be the hit of the neighborhood – though I have no HOA, so I could do it unchecked… 😉

      Good question about the neighbors. We haven’t seen many of the ones we are friendly with out and about lately due to holidays and the heat. I’ll have to ask next time I see them.

      Bella responds in typical Bella fashion… yesterday, she was napping by the front door while Front Door Bird tapped away and she didn’t even wake up.

  7. Oh, Sounds like “The Birds” to me too.
    Too bad I can’t send Rita to help you out. She hates birds. In fact, I wrote about our bird issues a couple of months ago. (http://poochsmooches.blogspot.com/2012/02/three-little-birds.html)
    I pity the poor birdies that are building a nest right by our sliding glass door. I fear it will not end pretty…
    BTW, if you see Tippy Hedren running down your street, you’d best lock the doors and draw the curtains!
    Jackie Bouchard recently posted..We’re Walkin’ Here

  8. Though our houses are very different I woke up with a similar problem the other day … a blue bird was pecking our windshield! He did it off and on for two days before we moved on. I think the plastic owl may be the best thing for you … I’ve seen them work on piers and such. For us, we’ll probably just keep running away!
    Amy@GoPetFriendly recently posted..Dog’s First Camping Trip

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