In defense of the not-so-lesser panda

Did you know that the red panda is sometimes known as the lesser panda? I always thought that name was a bit rude. (Apparently I’m not the only one. Wikipedia agrees with me, noting the “pejorative implications” of that moniker, and the San Diego Zoo says we shouldn’t call them lesser.)

Anyway, today I’m giving the not-lesser-but-really-awesome red panda some time in the spotlight. It’s a virtual red panda hug.

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Apanda Bynes and Gloria Panderbilt.
  2. In the battle of red panda versus pumpkin, who will win?
  3. Lesser? Ha! While Stella Luna, a red panda, was busy running for president, the “greater” panda was just sitting around eating bamboo. Not only that, but Stella Luna is a working mom!
  4. Speaking of red panda moms (note to self: great name for a social group), I love these photos of a red panda mom picking up her cub.
  5. I could stare at red panda cubs all day. They’re unbelievably cute. Seriously, they are so very cute.
  6. What’s better than one baby red panda? Twins!
  7. I have a gift for you… it’s in this box. (Those faces are killing me.)
  8. More pandas in action: walking the balance beam, munching on some berries, and just generally being adorable

I’m charmed by today’s video. It’s like They Might Be Giants meets PBS meets the zoo.

It’s entirely possible I’ll be singing that song all weekend.




9 thoughts on “In defense of the not-so-lesser panda

  1. I can’t believe anyone would ever try to denigrate these cuties by calling them lesser. I think it must be a typo that stuck (like misspelling Googol). They’re actually Lessor Pandas, the landlords of Asia.

    BTW, I’d be happy to vote for Stella Luna for president. 🙂
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  2. I feel the same way about the Least Tern. How must that make them feel?? Is the Best Tern constantly lording it over them?
    I’ve seen the red pandas at the San Diego Zoo and am happy to report that they recently got new, way better digs! This might help them not seem ‘lesser’.
    Those baby pics/videos are SO cute. I want one! To go with my otter.
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