Updated: The red carpet? It’s covered in dog hair.

This brave confession over at Something Wagging has inspired me to come clean as well – I’m an awards slacker.  When it comes to blogging awards, I’m deeply appreciative but supremely lazy.  That ends today.

I have two awards (from three four sources) to pass along today.  I decided to give myself a bit of a challenge, and imposed a rule of my own on the proceedings.  If I’ve ever given you an award in the past (this includes instances in which I cheated and just turned the spotlight on those fantastic bloggers who gave me an award), I decided to deem you ineligible for this particular round of awards. I thought it would be fun to shine the spotlight on some new faces and spaces.

Ready?  Here we go…

First up, the Kreativ Blogger award, which I received from my pals at Kol’s NotesBringing Up Bella and A Filly’s Best Friend.  A huge thank you to allof them for passing this award along to me – they’re all absolutely fantastic and I encourage you to pay them a visit and say so.  (Go.  Don’t make me “encourage” you with a baseball bat to the virtual kneecap.  Seriously. Don’t get on my bad side.)

Anyway, the rules of this award require me to share a few things about myself.  According to Kol’s Notes, I should share 7 things, and according to Bringing Up Bella and A Filly’s Best Friend, I should share 10.  (I long ago accepted that the evolution of blog awards is akin to a game of telephone.)  I’m splitting the difference and will share 8.5 things about myself:

  1. I cringed multiple times when typing Kreativ.  I can’t help it.  I’m a nerd and misspelled words bug me even when they’re misspelled on purpose.
  2. When I was a kid, I desperately wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up.  That did not pan out.
  3. I own a blanket with a photo of Bella on it.  She’s gigantic.  I could imagine it scaring small children, but I love it.  (It was a gift from the in-laws, who indulge my love of puppies.)
  4. My favorite food is grilled cheese, and I often dream of a world where this restaurant has a location near my house.  (That place is delicious.)
  5. I love puzzles and am currently addicted to the latest Professor Layton game for Nintendo DS.  (If you are a puzzle-holic like me, you should definitely check this series out.)
  6. According to my iPod, the most played song is “Bloodstream” by Stateless.
  7. That song is the most played because I listened to it way too much after it appeared on The Vampire Diaries in 2010.  (The fact that it remains in the top spot on my iPod almost two years later should give you an idea of just how much I played it back then.)
  8. Contrary to what numbers 4 through 7 may suggest, I am not a teenager, nor was I one in 2010.  I haven’t been a teenager in a long time.  (Bonus half fact: I’m officially old enough to star in Thirtysomething, a show that I have never actually watched.)
Now, the fun part –  I get to pass the award along to other bloggers.  I’m passing it along to 8 creative bloggers that I truly enjoy. They’re all creative in different ways.  I hope you’ll pay them a visit and discover how.  You won’t regret it.

Up next, I’m going to pass on the Pawsome Blog Award, courtesy of Roxy the Traveling Dog.  A huge thank you for sharing this award with me!

(Also, that earlier virtual kneecap threat applies… get on over there, buddy.)

The one seems to be light on the rules, other than to give it to blogs you love.  With that in mind, I’m passing it on to these eight blogs:

There’s truly something special about each and every one of those blogs – I hope you’ll take the time to visit and discover the awesomeness.

Whew. I’m all out of awards, so I shall take my leave of you now.  (Anyone else start singing “I’m all out of love… I’m so lost without you” after reading the first clause of that sentence?  No? Um, neither did I.)  Until tomorrow, my friends…




43 thoughts on “Updated: The red carpet? It’s covered in dog hair.

  1. i think i just became the 377,400th viewer of That Kiss. shame on me! i'm old enough to be in Grumpy Old Women and i watch Vamp Diaries *sigh* *drool* when is the new season starting? seems to be taking forever.

    see how you got me distracted?

    CONGRATULATIONS on your awards and THANK YOU for passing the K[]Creativ[e] to us! woohoo! it's a new one for us so we're chuffed to bits! i do hope i won't succumb to pangs of guilt as you have and will, as usual, store the award safely for our Annual Award Post in December.

    until then πŸ™‚ x

  2. No shame. That was one good kiss. (I blame Damon. I wasn't that into Ian Somerhalder on Lost, but I can't deny his smolder on TVD.) Do you not have the new season yet? I got a new episode last week.

    Fight the guilt… πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks for this — we too are SUPREMELY lazy when it comes to awards. We will do our very best to turn this around!

  4. So proud to be part of your award world….such a huge and wondrous collection of doggy bloggy awards to you and from you! Thanks for letting me join!

  5. Oh sure – make the rest of us awards slackers look bad! πŸ˜‰ Congrats on your awards, and I'll be sure to check out your faves!

  6. How am I supposed to read this intriguing article on social justice and ethics in counselling if people are going to distract me with awards???

    I'll have to find a pawsomely kreativ way to acknowledge it… Thanks!

  7. I'm glad you think I'm Pawsome–and it looks like I am in fine company! Thanks for the award and congrats on yours!

  8. Congratulations on your awards – they really are well-earned. I look forward to checking out your recommended blogs – several of which I'm not yet familiar with.

    I loved reading your little tidbits. Truth be told, that conversation about music we're having over at Something Wagging and my current "pop" phase? Due in large part to my own infatuation with a certain vampire. (Albeit a somewhat older, spectacularly snarky one. And that's all I'm going to say about that. πŸ™‚

    As for thirtysomething, if you're only old enough to be in it now, you weren't old enough to watch it when it was on. πŸ˜‰

  9. If it makes you feel any better, I can give you a little "kreativ" history. It was originally started by a german blog called "Haus Frau", so technically, kreativ is spelled correctly – it's just in German ;0)

    While I appreciate your offer to break some virtual knee caps to drive traffic to Kol's Notes, I prefer to entice people over with tasty snacks and an awesome treat giveawy this week. (No need to mention that all my recipes come with a small dose of rufilin…)

  10. Congratulations on your awards, you definitely deserve them! I'm happy to see that I follow many of your favorites and they are all awesome too πŸ˜‰

  11. The history does make me feel a bit better.

    Hehe… good point on the kneecap thing. Your snacks should make further encouragement unnecessary. πŸ˜‰

  12. You are most definitely a "Kreativ" blogger and deserve the award! (I hate misspelled words too and am somewhat of a stickler with the your/you're and their/there/they're. Lol!)

  13. Congratulations on the awards and on passing them on! That's a great line up you chose, and several I'm not familiar with. Please, put the bat away – I'm off to visit!

  14. Ooooooh, it wasn't my plan to make everyone feel guilty. πŸ™‚ Now I'm going to have to owe you a really good link to make up for the inadvertent guilt feelings.

  15. Thanks for the award! I confess, I too am horrible about passing them on! I sense a wave of guilt induced posts flooding the web…

  16. Congratulations on your award, well deserved.

    I am bad on the awards things too, so don't feel too badly about it. πŸ™‚ Will check out your picks (the ones I don't visit regularly.:-)

  17. Wow, you really know how to lay on the guilt. I have been so bad about this as well. I always mean to respond but I get stuck trying to think of just on whom to bestow said award. Bad Kristine. I should give myself a time-out.

    But congratulations to you and to all the web's newest award winners! Very much desrved, no doubt!

  18. Congrats on the awards and thanks for passing it on! I'm another lazy award winner, but I'll do what I can to keep it going! Thanks! πŸ™‚

  19. Aw, guilt wasn't my intent! I was just feeling guilty because I'd been sitting on mine – I have trouble starting these posts, for some reason.

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