Canine Christmas carols, part deux

That’s right, I’m referencing a Charlie Sheen movie from 1993. What of it?

Anyway, it’s time for another caroldy installment. After all, caroldies are the reason for the season (or so I’ve heard). First, I’d like to share my new favorite caroldy, composed by Kristine from Rescued Insanity. She gave Wham’s Last Christmas the caroldy treatment, and it is amazing and awesome. Go read it.

(Wham!’s? How the heck do I make a band name ending in an exclamation point possessive? Oh, grammar gods, I need your help.)


Up next, a few caroldies shared in the comments last weekContinue reading


Canine Confession: I’m scared of falling in my water bowl!

It’s time to let you in on a little secret. I’m not entirely convinced that Tavish is a dog.

That’s right. I’ve long suspected that he’s actually a Mogwai. (For those of you who are not as nerdy and/or obsessed with pop culture – particularly of the 80s variety – as I am, a Mogwai is an adorable little thing that turns into a Gremlin if you aren’t careful.)  Continue reading


Caption this dog: Strange bedfellows

Facts about today’s post: (1) Bella likes to snuggle with a flowerpot; (2) I wish she would snuggle with Tavish instead; and (3) I couldn’t decide whether to go with a Mannequin joke, or some sort of doggelganger thing.

(The latter just makes me think of the Vampire Diaries – eventually, all the roles will just be played by Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev, right? That seems to be where we’re headed.They better keep Ian Sommerhalder around though – I think that the viewing public would heartily approve of some Damon doppelgangers* walking around.)

Anyway, moving on…

Mannequin: The Canine Remake

She’s starring in an all-canine remake of Mannequin.

Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!

* I could not figure out how to make an umlaut. Please take a pencil** and draw one*** on your screen.

** I’m recommending a pencil so that you can erase it when you’re done, lest you find yourself with a rogue umlaut permanently terrorizing your screen.

*** Don’t actually do that. Use your imagination, silly.


Do you have any weird pet keepsakes?

So, I was organizing my file cabinet this weekend and stumbled upon this…

A canine souvenir:

The vet calls ’em like he sees ’em…

What exactly is this, you might wonder? Well, it just so happens to be a pellet that was removed from Bella not too long after we got her. I remember finding a bump on her stomach and asking the vet about it – he examined it and thought it was a pellet from a BB gun. (If I could find the idiots that did that to my Bella before we adopted her, they’d be in for a world of hurt.)

So, when she went in for a dental, the vet took the pellet out too. He then gave me the pellet in a bag marked “Bella Pellet.” Apparently, I then filed it away in my file cabinet with other papers from the vet. Kind of an odd souvenir, don’t you think?

Now it’s your turn to make me feel better. Surely I’m not the only one who has kept weird things related to her pets. (On Facebook, a few brave commenters admitted to keeping puppy teeth and cat hair clippings.) What sort of keepsakes have you kept?

(I realize that I may be the only one who is so Type A that she filed a pellet into the appropriate manilla folder in her file cabinet. However, if that’s something you would do, we should probably hang out and discuss our favorite organization apps, filing methods, and list-making techniques at a mutually-acceptable watering hole.)


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Snarly Brown!

It’s time for some Friday linkage, Howloween style…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Sheddy Krueger, Snarly Brown, Goosey VanPelt, and Peppermint Catty.
  2. Apparently, all movies are horror movies at heart. Who knew?
  3. So, what are you dressing up as this year? If you’re in need of an idea, might I recommend one of these options? (Whatever you do, just promise me you’re not going as a sexy antelope or sexy Marie Curie or anything like that. That’s right, I’m giving you the side eye, sexy giraffe and sexy fox.)
  4. Alternatively, you can’t go wrong with a red panda costume.
  5. Holy crap, you guys. Someone please start a blog where they do this when their dog takes naps.
  6. Speaking of dogs in costumes, I did enjoy these funny (and punny) ones.
  7. Don’t worry, cat lovers, I didn’t forget about you. Your felines can be sweet or salty this year. Your choice.
  8. Do you like pranks? *Insert disapproving Amy Poehler face here.*
  9. Anyway, Halloween is an excuse for culinary creativity. You could make these gummy spiders. Or you can just whip up a batch of Halloween sangria.

So wrong, yet so right:

In case you missed any of them, here are last week’s posts:

That’s all for now, pals. Any Howloween plans for the weekend?


LOLCat speek hurts mah brain

I’m puzzled.

Cats. They’re the kings of the jungle. The aloof animals who will let you pet them… but only on their terms. Basically, cats are just too cool for everything. They’re kind of the original hipsters.


Growing up, I was fairly certain that cats were the smartest creatures out there. Take Garfield, for example. He might be fat and lazy, but he’s also clever and well-spoken. (Well thought-bubbled?) In contrast to sweet, lovable, dim Odie (and hopeless Jon), Garfield was clearly the brains of the operation.


My first cat, Buttercup, also gave off an air of superiority. She seemed pretty sure that she was… the cat’s pajamas. I wasn’t quite sure where the dogs and I fell on the intelligence continuum, but I knew that it was somewhere below the cat.

So, why did the Internet decide that cats have poor grammar and spelling skills? Honestly, it wouldn’t really surprise me to learn that cats actually speak in Elizabethan English. I’m not joking. Cats probably judge our grammar. (I’m pretty sure that this cat does. And this one just judges us. For everything. I told you cats were hipsters.)

I’m genuinely curious. Who decided that if adorable animals could talk, they’d sound like they recently suffered some sort of head injury? It’s fascinating that lolcat has become its own weird language. You can even translate regular English into lolcat (and it seems that lolcat has its own set of rules) – hence the grammatically tortured title of this post. (You can also read the Bible in lolcat, if that’s your jam.)

Don’t get me wrong… I’m as charmed by emoticats as the next gal. However, this whole phenomenon is beyond my comprehension. I know that some of you out there may be more comfortable with lolcat speak than I am – if so, care to enlighten me? (I mean, the guy who founded that Cheezburger site is obviously doing pretty well for himself, so perhaps I’m the one who is missing something here.)

Maybe cats are actually behind this whole LOLCat thing… they’re lulling us into a false sense of security. Then they’ll make their move.


You’ve been warned.

Do you speak lolcat? I’d love to hear why it appeals to you. If you’re not a fan, why not? What do you think cats would sound like if they could talk to us?


PFL: Panda Football League

I’ve been quite remiss in delivering your Friday linkage lately. You may wonder where I’ve been. I promise, I was not off doing this. Some days I have felt like this, however.

In any event, Friday linkage is back. I was going to bust out the formalwear to celebrate the occasion (or just some tiny hats), but I hope you don’t mind that I was too lazy to do so.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Chick Jagger, Sheddie Money, Mane Brady, Drooly Andrews, and Robert Sniffin III.
  2. So, I don’t know about you, but I’d totally cheer for a team named the Washington Redpandas. (Sorry, New York Giants… I’d drop you like a hot potato. No, changing your name to the New York Giant Pandas wouldn’t change my mind. I’m a red panda gal at heart. You should totally do it anyway though. Cleveland Brown Pandas, you’re on notice too.)
  3. In case you were wondering how I feel when I even think of the remote possibility that red pandas could finally get their moment in the sun, this video clip should clear it up. (I’m so excited. So excited.)
  4. I’m trying not to think about the fact that it will probably never happen. It will only break my heart. (Speaking of Calvin & Hobbes…)
  5. On another panda-related note, I’m pretty sure that this was the best thing to come out of that shutdown nonsense.

I’m just going to put it out there – I am in favor of recreating all music videos with dog stars. We can call it DMTV. The videos can air at halftime during PFL (Panda Football League) games:

That’s all for today. In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog since the last Friday link roundup:

Here’s hoping that the next month won’t be as crazy as the last one… I kind of missed my Friday links (whether you did or not)!


Dogs of future (and Futurama) past

This week, I said goodbye to one of my favorite shows (for the third time). That’s right, today’s link roundup is inspired by Futurama.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Turanga Fleala, Phillip J. Fly, Bender Codriguez, Hermes Conrat, Professor Mewbert Farnsworth, Amy Pawng, and Dr. Zoidbird.
  2. In addition to being one of my favorite shows, Futurama also delivered one of my favorite television episodes ever. (Seriously – I’m obsessed.) It’s titled “Jurassic Bark” – and I consider it mandatory viewing for anyone with a dog (or a heart). (Why did I let myself watch the ending again? Why? So many tears.)
  3. The canine star of “Jurassic Bark” is named Seymour. His full name is a pun. I love him unapologetically. (“His name was Seymour. He was once intimate with the leg of a wandering saxophonist. He had wet dog smell, even when dry. And he was not above chasing the Number 29 bus.”)
  4. I just want to hug him (and kiss him).


  5. Seymour popped up in some of the direct-to-DVD movies, and recently reappeared in an episode during the final season of Futurama. (By the way, if someone could provide me with a pocket-sized Seymour of my own, I’d be on cloud K9. See what I did there?)
  6. Dogs and space. We’ve talked about it before. What we haven’t talked about, however, is the similarities between dogs and Darth Vader.
  7. Anyway, enough about Seymour and space dogs (for now). Enjoy the cast of Futurama in sloth form.
  8. I wonder if these punny robots will be made by MomCorp.
  9. This dollhouse is amazing. Can someone make a similar one for Planet Express?

I guess the dog in today’s video is not a Star Trek fan. Maybe he would have enjoyed the Futurama theme song instead. It always makes me smile. (Jennifer Aniston gets it.)

When I was a kid, our Chihuahua Kandi would sometimes howl when I sang. As Randy Jackson might say… I guess I was pitchy, dawg.

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, friends. Commence two hour yipping session (but don’t mistreat your Robo Puppies or I’ll have to track you down).


Hold on to August a little longer with these 14 blog posts…

It’s time for another monthly roundup, so set aside some time to catch up on your reading. Here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of August: Continue reading
