An update from Coney Island

Bella has a new cone (the Comfy Cone).  She seems to prefer this one to the plastic monstrosity she was wearing on Saturday.  Her navigation has improved.  It also makes drinking easier and appears to make sleeping more comfortable.

However, the new cone has not caused her to develop an appreciation for life as the sole occupant of Coney Island in our household.  I still catch her shooting me dirty looks on a regular basis.  The fact that I keep referring to her as Coney Island and Coney McConerson probably isn’t helping matters.  (When she takes a nap in the middle of the living room these days, she’s like her own little island of annoyance.  I wouldn’t recommend it as a tourist destination.)
I asked Bella to watch the following video shared with me by Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes.  She was not amused (apparently they don’t enjoy cone humor on Coney Island).  However, as a not-so-proud member of the People’s Republic of Evil Cone Purchasers, I found it highly entertaining.

Thanks for sending this my way, Pamela.  I love it!

On a related note, I think Bella has been deploying her cone to score maximum sympathy points.  Last night, those points were awarded in the form of chicken.  The cone has really upped her game in the begging department.

Tomorrow, I reveal what Bella’s going as for Halloween… any guesses?  (Hint: the cone is involved.)




20 thoughts on “An update from Coney Island

  1. I think one of the best dog products that was created out there is the alternative surgery cones, this allows my dogs to use the doggie door with their soft cones.

    A bee?

  2. I love this video. It cracked me up the first time and Iam so glad you shared it so I could see it again. Poor Bella. I hope she gets rid of that nasty thing in time for tricks and treats. 😉

    Can't wait to see her costume! I finally came up with one for my dog, just in the nick of time!

  3. Send us your e-mail addy. We have a code for you for 25 free cards from Shutterfly, if you'd like it.

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three

  4. It seems the comfy cone is a big improvement and is obviously working to gain more treats – well done Bella, I hope you're feeling OK 🙂

  5. Poor Bella. She feels her dignity has been assaulted. I hope the cone can go away soon. After all, no dog is an island.

    Glad at least you liked the video. Maybe Bella's not into rap.

  6. Hound Girl – I agree. Much better than the standard plastic one.

    Elizabeth – I think Bella has been reading your blog. That's her mood too!

    Koly – Those are great one costumes! None are Bella's however… 😉

    Kristine – She'll still be wearing it on Halloween. Blah. Can't wait to see what Shiva is going to be!

    Feisty Three – Thanks! 🙂

    cate – She seems to have a lot more energy today, which is a good sign I hope.

    Pamela – I think Bella's dignity is still under attack. Maybe she'll forgive me someday…

    Scrappy – I have the post ready to go, but I kind of want to share it now!

    houndstooth – I lost it when you got to Queen Elizabeth. Still giggling.

    Kari – It seems that way. 🙂

    K9 Friend – Agreed. They suck!

  7. The video was cute! Haven't had to use a cone, yet. (cross paws) I don't think the ridicule would ever end it one ever had to!!

    Bella should be grateful she is an only child!!

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