Eat pumpkins, not brains (or… how to survive a zombie attack)

This week, I can really use some smiles… thank goodness No Frown Friday is here when I need it most!  I also have an important zombie survival tip to share with you.  But first, a few things to send you into the weekend with a giggle or two:


  1. Your punny pet name: Tyribone Lannister.  (Confused?  See #2 below.)
  2. This might be the best PSA about spay/neuter ever… especially if you’re a nerd and into Game of Thrones like I am. (I’ll be adding this to the long list of puns I wish I’d come up with.)
  3. Bet you can’t top this senior portrait.
  4. So, I’ve told you how this blog got its name.  With that in mind, I’m sure you will understand why I giggled – a lot – about these posts from Smart Dog and Doggie Stylish.
  5. New post on the cupcake blog!  You’re welcome.
  6. With Halloween just around the corner, it seems that cute costumes are everywhere.  I couldn’t stop laughing at this gallery of 50 dogs in Star Wars costumes.
  7. Speaking of awesome costumes… it’s Ch-Ch-Chia Dog!
  8. This one has no real connection to anything else on the list… but it’s my blog so I can take some liberties right?  It’s a cheese grater that looks like a hedgehog!

Apparently I’m all about the pugs this week.  I found this video somewhat hypnotic (though not quite as hypnotic as those running geese):

(via Paw Nation)

I don’t know what you saw, but I’m pretty sure I just learned how to survive a zombie attack – always sit on a kitchen rug so that the zombies can’t quite reach you.  If only someone had shared this info with the cast of The Walking Dead.

Anyway… what are you up to this weekend?  I’m going to a corn maze/pumpkin patch with friends, and then we’re heading back to my house for a pumpkin carving party.  For Bella, that means extra people to pet her and give her love.  I don’t think she’ll mind that at all.

As for the pumpkins?  She isn’t all that interested.  However, some animals love to eat pumpkins – how does your pet feel about them?

