It’s a dog’s life…

You’ve probably heard the phrase “it’s a dog’s life.” Although the meaning has changed over the years, it used to indicate that life was hard and unpleasant. Whoever coined that phrase obviously never met my dogs…

Sleepy Bella

You wish you could live Bella's life. (I do too.)

Interesting how the meaning of that phrase has changed over the years. A dog’s life sounds pretty good to me! (I realize that yet again I’ve gone off on another tangent about language. I just can’t help myself.)




26 thoughts on “It’s a dog’s life…

  1. Ha ha yes, Bella always looks the happiest little bunny 🙂 This post made me think of Milly and Poppets life… the best food always on time, lying in front of the fire, tummy tickles whenever they want, the best part of the bed, the list goes on and on :))
    cate recently posted..…back in a couple of weeks

  2. Exactly! My dogs are so spoiled they think they have the mortgage on my house! I have one, Franny, who started out total spoilage because she was sick when I got her at 8 weeks. I soon discovered that spoiling can actually up a dogs IQ, not necessarily a good thing, but certainly interesting. My blog mylifewithwieners is all about this…and what it is like to have 6 dachshunds dominate your life. I have been told my stories are hilarious, so feel free to check my blog out (email follow at bottom of scroll) if you want a laugh once a week.! I look forward to getting more of your posts in my email.

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