A fairy tail ending…

It’s time for your No Frown Friday link roundup – let’s get to it!

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Snow Bite and Finderella (for a fish, of course).
  2. Speaking of puns, this link has superhero dog puns for days. It’s glorious.
  3. Fairy tales are on my mind this week thanks to this wonderful post: Six Fairy Tales for the Modern Woman. (I rarely say this, but even the comments are worth reading. The whole page is full of win.)
  4. What say you, Feminist Taylor Swift? Sounds right up your alley. Sing it, sister.
  5. In other fairy tale-type news, I’m intrigued by this story.
  6. I like my princesses sassy and not focused solely on finding a prince. (Listen closely, Mr. Mouse.) Too many frogs out there anyway, am I right?
  7. If you do find yourself surrounded by frogs, just shake it off. It’ll be okay.

    Shake it off.

    via giphy.com

  8. Anyway… I’m sorry, Dog Mario, but your princess is in another castle. Again. Feel like you’ve made a huge mistake? Perhaps you should just relax on the porch and just let her rescue herself.
  9. Maybe it’s better to be Queen instead. Or maybe it’s more fun to be a villain? Either way, I’m sure that whatever you choose, it’ll be just peachy.

In any event, enjoy your quest. Bonus points if you look this cute while doing it:

Finally, I thought I’d do a quick roundup of what’s been happening on the blog this week. So, in case you missed it:

Have a great weekend!
