Kitten getting a bath: The most brilliant film of our time

For real. And his name is Reginald.

Reginald, you guys.

I kind of hope this is just the trailer for a full-length film of Reginald getting a bath. I will be there on opening day.




11 thoughts on “Kitten getting a bath: The most brilliant film of our time

  1. Aw geez, poor Reginald!! I have given the five kittens I am fostering THREE baths EACH!! Another one is scheduled for Monday . . .it is so sad πŸ™ The last bath was a sulfur dip, which I had to let “drip dry” with no rinsing! I had a heater in the bathroom and cranked up the heat as much as I could. Poor little babies. I hope the ringworm goes away soon!

    Dang it, I should have taken a little video!!

  2. Oh. My. Dog. That is just brilliant! He is sooooo adorable!

    I have probably already told you this story but the first day I went to volunteer at my very first animal shelter, they made me give the cats baths. I think they were testing my fortitude. πŸ˜‰

    That video is insanely cute.
    Leslie recently posted..WW 66 – Happy (Almost) Thanksgiving

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