Otters, otters, everywhere…

I’ll admit it. I love otters. If seals are the puppies of the sea, otters are the puppies of the river… and also sometimes of the sea. (Actual puppies? The puppies of the land. Duh.)  After that intro, I bet you will have no trouble guessing today’s theme…

  1. Your punny pet name for this week: Beatrix Otter.
  2. This link reminded me of The Fox and the Hound (except for the fact that the link didn’t make me cry). Check out this adorable otter and puppy playing together.
  3. Um, I had no idea otters were so talented. I can’t juggle, but this otter can.
  4. This baby otter having lunch is awesome. (I’m extremely jealous of the guy who introduced himself to the otter as “Uncle Kevin.” I want to be an otter aunt!)
  5. I bet this little girl will grow up to be an otter aunt someday.
  6. I would like to apply for citizenship of Otter Nation (currently ruled by Sir Otter the Brave, I hear). Maybe that would improve my chances of being an otter aunt.
  7. If that’s too much to ask, can I just get invited to this guy’s next sleepotter? (I’m going for a sleepover pun here… I doubt it really worked, but I’m sticking with it.)
  8. I could watch this trio of otters all day. Or this group of otters chasing a butterfly. I’m flexible.

I have to admit, I had quite the debate with myself over which video to feature today. (I’ll leave it to your imagination whether that debate was out loud or simply between the voices in my head.) Anyway, this was the winner (via Best Week Ever):

It’s like he’s staring into my soul and sending cute rays right into my heart.

Want more otters? You’re in luck. I have one more link to share. It’s time for everyone’s favorite game show: Dog… or… Otter?  Enjoy!



Live from the blog, it’s Saturday Night Links!

Well, I really dropped the ball this week.  I posted a special edition of No Frown Friday on Tuesday, but that was not intended to take the place of my usual Friday link roundup.  I fully intended to post on Friday… but then Friday came… and went… and yet, I still didn’t post.  I meant to post – I really did.

I told myself I’d post something this morning instead… but then Saturday morning came… and went… and still no post.  It appears that I’ve fallen in a bit of a rut.  So, in order to atone for my posting sins, I’m sharing some links tonight, and plan to get back into the posting groove this week. Apparently, after posting every day in January, I’ve fallen off the wagon. Time to get back on…

  1. In light of the fact that it’s Presidents’ Day weekend, your punny pet name is Bite D. Eisenhowler.
  2. President Panda?  Why not?
  3. It’s time for some Talk Soup, puppy style.  Ann Curry chats up a dog on the Today Show, while the Good Morning America crew does a puppy on the street segment.
  4. However, those shows don’t hold a candle to Puppy Conan.  It’s genius.
  5. Bella doesn’t usually react to the various sounds that come from the computer… but she definitely perked up when I watched this adorable clip of a Pomeranian puppy.
  6. You know I can’t resist an animal odd couple (like this Corgi/duckling combo)… so I’m sure you will understand why I couldn’t resist this dog and her piglets either.
Speaking of animal odd couples, have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined a kitten and a Corgi?  Cue crickets… it’s okay, I’ve never wondered about it either, but I’m pretty sure this would be the result:

(via Best Week Ever)

Those eyes… that tail… it’s almost too cute to handle.  Almost.

It’s not Friday, but I hope you enjoyed this week’s links all the same.  It’s time for me to get out of this rut and whip this blog into shape!


Attack of the tiny tomatoes

It’s the first No Frown Friday of 2012… let’s jump right in!

  1. Your punny pet name: Meowrio Lopez.  (On a related Saved by the Bell note, can we all agree that Lark Voorhies would be the perfect name for a pet bird? No punnification needed.)
  2. Speaking of puns, these classic book covers updated with cats are fantastic.  I think Litterbox Five is my favorite.
  3. Apparently even those who profess to be anti-pun fall victim to them every now and then. I was honored to learn that one of my punny posts made Rescued Insanity’s list of eleven must-reads for 2011.
  4. This cat is way better than I am at Fruit Ninja.  I’m beginning to think all cats have secret video game skills
  5. I’m craving all of these pieces from Have you met Miss Jones.
  6. You know what you need? An awesome video. Lucky for you, this one over at No Dog About It is extra awesome.
  7. Is this the best dog-related picture of 2011? You be the judge.
  8. You know I love any excuse to break out my best nature show narrator voice (see, e.g., the Cave Dog). So I had to share this post from Something Wagging about the migratory patterns of the Fuzzy-Bellied Honey.  Don’t be ashamed to read it out loud, Discovery Channel style – I did.
  9. Enjoy some pretty and get a few photography tips courtesy of Alfie’s Blog.
  10. I adore animal odd couples.  This fawn and kitten just made my hall of fame.
Finally, I saw this video and just knew I had to share it.  My love of turtles and tortoises is well-documented.  The baby tortoise in today’s video reminds me of my own childhood turtles, George and George.  They loved tomatoes too.
(via Cute Overload)

I want to give this video a high five, in the style of these two awesome sea turtles.


Thank cuteness it’s Friday

Happy Friday!  Let’s get to it: 

  1. Shannen Doherty turned 40 this week.  I already punnified the names of the main characters, but that doesn’t mean today’s punny pet names can’t still have a 90210 theme!  There’s one for the birthday girl, of course: Shannen Do-birdy.  Why stop there?  I give you Chasin’ Priestly.
  2. Baby rhino.  ‘Nuff said.
  3. Remember our roundup of animal odd couples?  The mismatched cuteness continues with a deer and a goose, as well as a cat and a dolphin.
  4. What’s awesome?  Dogs with jobs
  5. Those dogs have to get to work somehow.  Check out these photos of 50 dogs at 50 miles per hour.

I’m sure that after a long week at work, those dogs want nothing more than to relax with a round of golf.  Observe:

 Want more videos of Dash the puppy?  Ask and you shall receive.

Have a puptastic weekend!


The three amigos

No real theme today… unless “cute” counts as a theme:

  1. This week’s punny pet name is inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Collie Golightly (played by the beautiful and talented Pawdrey Hepburn).
  2. Recipe: 1 part puppy, 1 part Kong. Mix and enjoy the cute.
  3. I just stumbled across a collection of dogs dressed as Harry Potter.  Thank you, Internet. (Although it’s too late too include in my Harry Potter post, I’m still loving it.)

I don’t even know how to introduce the following video.  We’ve talked about odd couples before, but this trio may take the cake:

(via Jezebel)

Speaking of cute, I love that the news team captioned them “adoptive parents” and embraced the idea that these animals are family.

Speaking of becoming an adoptive pet parent, I want to direct you to a wonderful post from Rachel Lauren Photography.  It’s called “Before you buy that Christmas puppy…” and it should be required reading for anyone considering walking into a pet store.

Happy Friday, folks… say hi to your puppy for me.
