A dog in a hot car’s just not right…

Today, we’re going with some vintage Bella from 2007 combined with a PSA from the pup herself. (She totally wrote this song.)

Hot dog, summer in the city
Whether a Beagle, Yorkie, or a Pitty.
Why can’t I just nap like a kitty?
It isn’t getting any cooler in the city.

All around people being brain dead
Even though that car is hotter than a match head.

But it’s not hard to be a pearl,
Be smart about the world.
Come on, come on, and see the light
A dog in a hot car’s just not right.

And babe, don’t you know it’s a pity,
Some people just aren’t all that bright
In the summer, in the city
In the country, or the city.

Stay cool, no need for that pity
Just remember this little ditty.
Sure enough, you’ll be sitting pretty
Looking out for dogs in the country and the city.

I’m already filled with dread knowing that the usual hot car stories are just around the corner… as usual, I’m sure the news cycle will bring out my Hulk-ian tendencies. (As in, “Hulk smash idiots who leave their dogs in hot cars.” Hulk smash a lot.)




17 thoughts on “A dog in a hot car’s just not right…

  1. I’ve already been seeing posts about dogs in hot cars. WTF is wrong with people?

    BTW this is one of your ditties where I actually knew the tune and could sing along. I’m actually working on one of my own to present to you. 🙂
    Jodi recently posted..Indulge Me

  2. Bravo! That is a very catchy jingle!!

    Every year I have this issue with dogs in hot cars. It always happens to me at Target and the ignorant people always park next to me! Which means I have to sit in my car, watch the dog and after 5-10 minutes go in and report it one of the employees at Target! It is so frustrating!
    Jen recently posted..The Summer Book Club. Dogs Welcome.

    • Thank you for caring enough to report on these thoughtless ownersl

      Next time, could you kindly make a point of TELLING those people who lock their animals in the car WHY it is NOT a good idea and how much they will suffer within a matter of MINUTES, POSSIBLY EVEN DYING! BEFORE THEIR RETURN FROM THE AIR CONDITIONED MALL!

      Invite them to sit inside the car themselves to see exactly how it feels and how long it will take before they CAN’T TAKE ANOTHER SECOND!! I have found that SOMETIMES even drives the point into even the dumbest of idiots out there. Sadly, this problem never ends, so we have to be the LOUD VOICES for the voiceless.

  3. I’m right there with you AJ. I am so dreading the stories and I am already seeing them. I just don’t get people at all. This week it was in the low 80’s and a friend had to call the police on a woman who left her Saint Bernard in a hot car in the direct sun in the Target parking lot so she could go shopping. She finally left 30 minutes later and the policeman confronted her. My friend spoke to the policeman later and she said that she didn’t want to leave the dog at home because it would destroy the house – so a dead dog is better? Ugh!

    Anyways, as always, loved your creative way of driving home the point. I wish I was as creative as you!
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