Lessons from the Second Chance Photos workshop

You may remember my earlier post about Second Chance Photos, a non-profit that encourages people to donate their time to take personalized photos of animals in need of a forever home. (Check out these amazing before and after photos… you’ll be a convert, I promise.)

Watching Seth…

Have you considered taking photos of shelter pets but weren’t sure where to start?  You’re in luck.  Last week, photographer Seth Casteel (the founder of Second Chance Photos) did a workshop at the Washington Humane Society (WHS) here in D.C.  I was able to attend, and I have plenty of tips to share with you.

The workshop took place on Wednesday afternoon at the Washington Humane Society’s New York Avenue location.  I had already taken the day off from work to prepare for Thanksgiving… when I learned that Seth would be in town and would be conducting a workshop, I was thrilled!

As I hopped in the car that day, I was a tad concerned about the weather. Although the temperatures reached the low 70s over the weekend, Wednesday was a cold and windy day.  I even felt some sprinkles, but nothing was keeping me from that workshop. After dealing with standard D.C. traffic, I arrived at the shelter.  I knew I was in the right place when I spotted the gaggle of eager photographers waiting inside.  Seth joined us, and our workshop began.

I learned far too much to share in one blog post (I’m wordy enough as it is), but I wanted to share a few highlights.  (To see some of the photos I took, click here.)


Before the photo session began, Seth did a brief introduction and told us a little bit about his approach to photographing shelter pets.  In a nutshell, Seth is a big believer in positive photos. You won’t find any sad, depressing photographs designed to inspire crushing guilt and depression. Instead, Seth aims to take photos that are happy, warm, and welcoming.  (I have a feeling Edie from Will My Dog Hate Me – the queen of uplifting adoption videos – would approve of that approach as well. I will admit that I was dying to make a joke about Sarah McLachlan.)


I want to stress the importance of teamwork here. At a minimum, you’ll want to have a duo on photo duty – it’s important to have a helper/handler working with the dog while the photographer snaps away.  Photographing dogs is not the
sort of activity that lends itself to being solitary.  In fact, Seth
noted that three people would be even better. If possible, have a third person responsible for bringing dogs to and from the shooting area – this will minimize waiting time (because you can start shooting the next dog while this person takes the dog you just finished working with back to the kennel) and allow you to photograph more dogs while you’re there.  (If I recall correctly, Seth mentioned he could photograph 30 dogs in a few hours – I need to pick up the pace!)


So, you’ve got your team (be it a duo or a trio) – now what?  You’ll need to find a location to take photos.  Fortunately, WHS has a nice outdoor area that we were able to use.  (No tulips, but I couldn’t get the song out of my head once I thought of it. Seth recommended including some natural elements in your photographs if possible.)  There was even bamboo growing in one corner, which provided some greenery to work with.  However, if there’s no space like that available at your shelter, scout around… you can probably find a space that will be better than just taking photos in the kennel.


Not my best… but, that face!

Once you’ve gotten the logistics (personnel, location, etc.) figured out, then it’s time to actually take some photos!   You’ll probably want to take some time to get acquainted with your canine model – the dog may be fidgety or excited and may need some time to relax.

After the pup feels comfortable, how do you get him to look at you?  Seth recommended bringing along some treats (checking on each animal’s dietary restrictions, of course) and the squeaker from a squeaky toy (apparently you can order these on Amazon… or, if you live with Bella, she’ll happily remove these from all of her toys for you).

Seth photographed four dogs and walked us through his process.  It was really educational – seeing him in action made it easier to envision applying these tips in my own life.  (In fact, I employed several on Saturday while taking photos of Bella for our Christmas card.)


In addition to the basics I discussed above, Seth shared a plethora of other tips. I wish I could remember them all right now, but I was too busy listening and snapping photos to write everything down. Here’s what really stuck with me:

  • Continuous shots are your friend.  Set your camera to take multiple photos with each click – this setting will increase your chances of capturing that perfect moment.
  • Don’t try to photograph a dog in direct sunlight – the sun right in his face will just make him squint.  If possible, use indirect light or position the dog with the sun behind him.
  • Resist the urge to use the flash – avoid the dreaded green eye!
  • Try to get a nice close-up shot (looking into the camera with a happy face is what we’re hoping for here).  While full-body shots are great too, it’s important to get that close-up.
  • If the dog looks sad or unhappy, it might be a good idea to let the dog play or run around for a bit if you can.  The panting face that follows will likely translate as a happy one in your photographs.
  • Embrace Photoshop (or the photo editing software of your choice).  Sometimes a few tweaks can take a photo from good to amazing.
  • Cats are sometimes a tougher assignment – you may want to experiment to see what works for you here. Consider location, lighting, and trying to highlight each feline’s unique features. (We spent some time in Kitty City as well – I need a lot more practice on that front.)

You can find many more tips on the Second Chance Photos website, including information about equipment, photo shoots, and – most importantly – how to get started.  If you’re interested, there’s also information on upcoming workshops (including Chicago in December and Phoenix in February).

(While you’re clicking around, pop over to WHS and check out the adoptable animals… perhaps one of them is perfect for you?)

Have you ever taken photos of shelter pets?  If not, are you considering giving it a try?  Also, if your friendly neighborhood blogger had the chance to interview Seth, what questions would you want her to ask?  (Hint, hint… help me out here!)


Please tell me I’m not the only one who remembers this stuff…

Today’s links are even more random than usual, if that’s possible. Full disclosure: I considered doing a Twilight theme.  The punny names were especially easy – though I would not be surprised if someone already has a pet named Robert Cattinson.  (Yup. Someone beat me to it.)

Anyway, although I am going to see Breaking Dawn tonight (I didn’t love the book, but I can’t resist a movie night), I decided to spare you from my other puns (such as Edward Seagullen).  You’re welcome for the random linkage instead…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Meowrice Sendak.
  2. Time for a little shameless self-promotion – I posted a new recipe on the cupcake blog!
  3. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, crack open a dog beer and let’s get to the fun stuff.
  4. The other day I wrote a guest post for My Brown Newfies inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. The Internet has returned the favor – it’s where the wild pugs are!
  5. So, I remember when Passions had that weird talking doll. (Anyone else? I didn’t watch that particular soap opera, but I would occasionally pass it when channel surfing and get creeped out.)  It appears that one soap opera has decided to top that storyline – it’s a talking dog trying to convince a talking baby to hand over some hidden paternity test results.  (Don’t worry, I’ll give you a few minutes to read that completely bonkers sentence a few more times.)
  6. In other “things no one else probably remembers” news, 2gether (MTV’s parody boy band from the ’90s) is considering a reunion. U plus me equals us, baby.  (Calculus.)
  7. Speaking of TV… I’m not normally one to share ads, but I giggle whenever I see this Microsoft ad.  After all, I was the type of kid who would have happily made a
    PowerPoint presentation about why I needed a dog.  (I’m also reminded of
    Marshall’s chart and graph obsession on How I Met Your Mother.  I can totally relate.)
  8. Bonus graph: things I associate with Sarah McLachlan. (Thank goodness for the series of non-depressing pet adoption videos from Will My Dog Hate Me, right?)

Continuing with the advertising theme… this FedEx ad featuring dominoes, a goose wearing a bow tie, and an adorable puppy is pure awesome:

(via Best Week Ever)

I mean, it’s not catvertising, but it’ll do…

That’s all I’ve got for you today.  Also, don’t forget to vote for The Old Dog House in the Pepsi Refresh Project once a day until November 30… it’s a wonderfully simple way to help senior dogs.

Have a great weekend!


Prepare for a stampede of cuteness!

This time next week, I’ll be at BlogPaws. So exciting! Must… focus… on… present….

  1. Weekly punny goodness: Pablo Picatso and Salvador Doggie.
  2. To follow up on last week’s post, I implore you to enjoy more cats in hats.
  3. Dear Internet: You are awesome. The Adventures of Milo & Otis totally needed a remix involving Jay-Z.  I humbly request you come up with a similarly entertaining remix for Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, The Fox and the Hound and/or Oliver & Company.  Thanks!
  4. Speaking of dogs named Otis… check out this skydiving dog!
  5. Have you ever wondered why your dog sometimes wants to snuggle, but other times would prefer to be alone?  This handy chart breaks it down for you.
  6. You know Bella’s an art lover (sometimes to a fault).  You know we love The Bloggess.  So I’m sure you’ll understand why this ad over there cracked me up.
  7. Maybe this little guy could be an artist.  Is there a market for mud paintings?
  8. This next link reminded me of the brilliant series “Pet Adoption Videos that Don’t Make Me Want to Kill Myself” over at Will My Dog Hate Me. It’s an adorable video promoting pet adoption… accompanied by a catchy tune and a bonus pup in PJs!  Fantastic.

My favorite part of today’s video might be the guy in the background
saying “puppy puppy puppy puppy.”  Seriously.  It reminds me of that
addictive Puppy Woof Woof video for some reason.  Good times.

(via Jezebel)

That’s all for today, folks.  Have a fantastic weekend, and don’t forget to swing by and Like our new Facebook page!  Bella approves.


PSA: Don’t be fooled by the dog on the label

A little Public Service Announcement for you today… just because something has a fun dog-themed label does not mean that you will like it.  Exhibit #1… no matter how fun you find the following beer label, I suggest you walk away and leave this bottle on the shelf.  It was not good.  Not good at all.

Even though it wasn’t very yummy, I still think the label is pretty darn cute.

That being said, I’m sure I won’t learn from my own mistakes and will fall under the spell of another deceptive dog label in the future.  (Anyone else out there suffer from this problem?)  Don’t be like me, kids…


If only she had Corgis carrying her train…

Well, the world obviously has a case of wedding fever this week.  Who am I to resist?  After all, I did celebrate my own anniversary yesterday.  I did, however, resist getting up at the crack of dawn to watch the royal wedding and will catch up via DVR instead.  (DVR – best invention ever?)  However, I bet I could have been convinced to get up if I was invited to a celebration like the snazzy one over at Bark’n About.  Anyway…

  1. Your punny pet names: Cat Middleton was perfect for the theme, but it seemed too easy (though I really hope someone has a cat with that name).  So, I also give you… Camilla Barker Bowles.
  2. Have you been to a wedding where the couple’s pet(s) played a role?  As previously discussed, Bella does not travel well.  Thus, we let her snooze at home during the festivities.  It would have been fun to have her there though.  I’ll just have to look at these best dogs and pups of honor instead.  Prefer to let your pets be the star of the show?  Check out this canine wedding photo over at Doggie Stylish or learn about a recent cat wedding in London via Life with Cats.
  3. Want more?  Okay, okay… here are 45 photos of doggie ring bearers.
  4. Larry the Downing Street Cat was all decked out for the royal wedding.  Help him celebrate by checking out this Royal Wedding CATs-travaganza Adoption event.  (It’s part of the PetSmart Charities National Adoption Weekend happening today through Sunday!)
  5. Are you all about the Union Jacks?  The lovely under the blanket has rounded up some fantastic items with a British theme.
  6. Royal wedding not your style?  Perhaps you’ll enjoy these awesomely geeky weddings instead.

Finally, did you see this fantastic Corgi ad?  (It was to convince people to upgrade to HD coverage of the royal wedding – irrelevant now, but still adorable.)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Flashback: It’s an ad ad ad ad world

It’s almost the first anniversary of I Still Want More Puppies, so
I’m sharing some of my favorite posts with you this week.  The post
below originally appeared on June 14, 2010.  Hope you enjoy!

Have you ever wondered about the Michelin Man’s real name?  Or if Mr. Clean has a first name?  If the mystery of Comic Book Guy’s real name has been keeping you up at night, say farewell to insomnia.  This article on CNN is for you – it reveals the real names of several fictional characters.  Both interesting and useful, in my opinion.  I always like to keep my brain cells filled with bits of random trivia – after all, you never know when a spontaneous game of Trivial Pursuit will occur. 

Stick with me here… it’s tangent time.  The aforementioned article reveals that even the Pillsbury Dougboy has a real name: Poppin’ Fresh.  This news is not new to me… I learned it around the time I heard that the Geico cavemen were getting a sitcom.  If starring in a sitcom is so easy that a caveman could do it (though history would prove that it was, in fact, not that easy), then couldn’t other advertising luminaries make the move as well?  From this simple question, the following imaginary TV shows were born.  (Around that time I created an anonymous blog, posted a few times, and promptly forgot about it… however, I’ve resurrected these ideas from that failed attempt just for you.)

  • Pop ‘n’ Fresh – The Pillsbury Doughboy (“PD” for short), fresh out of culinary school, gets a job at a local bakery.  The pay is low, so he finds a room to rent on craigslist.  His roommate?  None other than the cantankerous Michelin Man (and fan favorite, the Michelin Dog), who works as a bouncer at the local pub.  Wackiness ensues, as the series takes a page from How I Met Your Mother and tells the story of how a young PD met his wife, one Mrs. Poppie Fresh.  I picture this on CBS, maybe on Monday nights.  The series will officially jump the shark when the Fresh family’s two children are added to the cast.
  • Yo Quiero a Comeback – This one is a faux-reality show inspired by HBO’s The Comeback.  Once everyone’s favorite spokesdog (with all apologies to Spuds McKenzie and Suds McDuff), chihuahua Gidget has been unable to find further success in Hollywood.   Although the Taco Bell campaign launched her career, it’s now holding her back.  Aside from a few Geico commercials and a brief appearance in Legally Blonde 2, she’s been unable to find work.  Her mentor, Moose (Eddie of Frasier fame), passed away a few years ago, and no one has stepped in to fill the void.  No directors are willing to take a chance on her, but then the reality show producuers come knocking… Expect Entourage-style cameos from other famous canines.  Definitely a single-camera show, perhaps best suited to NBC’s Thursday night lineup.
  • Rabbit’s Run – Years of species-based discrimination have pushed the Trix Rabbit too far.  He’s been buying Trix on the black market for years, which has resulted in a dangerous sugar addiction.  The Rabbit has dreams of moving up the ladder from sugar junkie to power player in the sugary underworld.  (Mmmm… sugary underworld.)  Tag line:  “Be careful who you call a silly rabbit.”  Perfect for Fox, no?

TV execs out there (of which I’m sure so many read this blog), you’re welcome.  If one of these shows ever appears on the air, I better get a cut of the profits.


In the mood for food

It’s been pretty dreary and rainy lately, and that’s got me thinking about comfort food.  So… today’s No Frown Friday is food-related.  (And pet-related, of course.)

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are inspired by famous chefs: Tom Colickio, Barko DiSpirito and Woofgang Puck. (Cat Cora needed no alterations.  My favorite chef?  The Swedish Chef, of course.)
  2. Check out this dog named Dumpling… eating a dumpling.  Very meta.
  3. Quick math lesson: tiny kitten + tiny hat + tiny ice cream come = awesome commercial. (Congratulations! Simply by reading the preceding sentence, you’ve passed Cute Math 101.)
  4. Remember when Bella ate ice cream?
  5. Cats and dogs eating popsicles and peanut butter. (Serious Eats really has all of your needs covered when it comes to cute animals eating.)

Hmmm… not a lot of healthy foods in that list above.  Might I recommend you stop by Gardening with Wyatt?  The gorgeous photos of Wyatt the dog and the yummy food from his garden will inspire you to get that diet back on track.  In addition to eating better, you’ll need to hit the treadmill:

No, not like that! Try it this way:

(via Cute Overload)

Seriously though, if your pet is overweight, that’s not a good thing.  Bella’s had her battles with weight in the past, but on our vet’s advice we reduced the amount we were feeding her.  These days she’s slim and trim.  (Don’t get me wrong… she still licks the empty bowl – repeatedly – and looks at me forlornly when she finishes her meal.  She’s like a canine Oliver Twist.)

Given her druthers, I’m sure Bella would eat until she couldn’t move.  Luckily, our dogs have us to exercise self-control on their behalf – they can only eat what we feed them.  (Unlike humans – the blame for that extra cookie is all mine.) Hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!


It’s an ad ad ad ad world

Have you ever wondered about the Michelin Man’s real name?  Or if Mr. Clean has a first name?  If the mystery of Comic Book Guy’s real name has been keeping you up at night, say farewell to insomnia.  This article on CNN is for you – it reveals the real names of several fictional characters.  Both interesting and useful, in my opinion.  I always like to keep my brain cells filled with bits of random trivia – after all, you never know when a spontaneous game of Trivial Pursuit will occur.

Stick with me here… it’s tangent time.  The aforementioned article reveals that even the Pillsbury Dougboy has a real name: Poppin’ Fresh.  This news is not new to me… I learned it around the time I heard that the Geico cavemen were getting a sitcom.  If starring in a sitcom is so easy that a caveman could do it (though history would prove that it was, in fact, not that easy), then couldn’t other advertising luminaries make the move as well?  From this simple question, the following imaginary TV shows were born.  (Around that time I created an anonymous blog, posted a few times, and promptly forgot about it… however, I’ve resurrected these ideas from that failed attempt just for you.)

  • Pop ‘n’ Fresh – The Pillsbury Doughboy (“PD” for short), fresh out of culinary school, gets a job at a local bakery.  The pay is low, so he finds a room to rent on craigslist.  His roommate?  None other than the cantankerous Michelin Man (and fan favorite, the Michelin Dog), who works as a bouncer at the local pub.  Wackiness ensues, as the series takes a page from How I Met Your Mother and tells the story of how a young PD met his wife, one Mrs. Poppie Fresh.  I picture this on CBS, maybe on Monday nights.  The series will officially jump the shark when the Fresh family’s two children are added to the cast.
  • Yo Quiero a Comeback – This one is a faux-reality show inspired by HBO’s The Comeback.  Once everyone’s favorite spokesdog (with all apologies to Spuds McKenzie and Suds McDuff), chihuahua Gidget has been unable to find further success in Hollywood.   Although the Taco Bell campaign launched her career, it’s now holding her back.  Aside from a few Geico commercials and a brief appearance in Legally Blonde 2, she’s been unable to find work.  Her mentor, Moose (Eddie of Frasier fame), passed away a few years ago, and no one has stepped in to fill the void.  No directors are willing to take a chance on her, but then the reality show producuers come knocking… Expect Entourage-style cameos from other famous canines.  Definitely a single-camera show, perhaps best suited to NBC’s Thursday night lineup.
  • Rabbit’s Run – Years of species-based discrimination have pushed the Trix Rabbit too far.  He’s been buying Trix on the black market for years, which has resulted in a dangerous sugar addiction.  The Rabbit has dreams of moving up the ladder from sugar junkie to power player in the sugary underworld.  (Mmmm… sugary underworld.)  Tag line:  “Be careful who you call a silly rabbit.”  Perfect for Fox, no?

TV execs out there (of which I’m sure so many read this blog), you’re welcome.  If one of these shows ever appears on the air, I better get a cut of the profits.
