Snappy wordplay and a K9 Kamp giveaway!

It’s Friday… thank goodness!  (Now I know why it’s always said the other way. IF…TG is not really as catchy as TGIF.)

As always, it’s time for some fun links to send you into the weekend.  As a bonus, today’s post includes information about a K9 Kamp giveaway!  Read on, friend…

  1. This week’s punny net name: William Snakespeare. (Bonus puns: Mount Ruffmore and “Is it tea you’re looking for?”  That second link will show you my new favorite thing. I want one. Seriously.  It’s possible I wrote a few verses of that song this week… you know I can’t fight the music.)
  2. It’s been a big week for punny songs over here.  Newly added to my catalog?  “Hakuna Manatee” (it means no worries, in the inlets and bays) and “Hakuna Fritatta” (I was at a work brunch and couldn’t stop humming it to myself).  
  3. Also, here’s a special one for you Days of Our Lives fans – “Hakuna Marlena.”  (It does, in fact, involve references to that time she was possessed.  Now she has a “Satan-free… philosophy… Hakuna Marlena.”)
  4. Moving on… here’s Hero, the dog-shaped hot dog steamer.  There are no words.
  5. There are, however, words for these cake pops that look like my favorite cartoon character. Those words? Awesome and adorable. 
  6. Speaking of cake, I finally posted a new recipe on my long-neglected cupcake blog.
  7. I have a friend who has a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Snoop Dogg.  I have a feeling she would appreciate this next link.
  8. Looking for a pet-friendly hotel?  How about a hotel that has dogs on staff and helps pets get adopted?  As you wish.
  9. If you got the Princess Bride reference in that last item, then you’ll love this (fictional) version of Monopoly.  (If it were real, it would be currently fighting that Lionel Richie teapot for the title of my favorite thing.)
  10. This photo just made me smile.  However, this one led to a fit of giggles that I still haven’t quite gotten over. Wordplay!

Photobucket As you know, I’ve been participating in K9 Kamp for the last few weeks.  Today, I’m the featured blogger at Peggy’s Pet Place – swing by to check it out.  In addition, K9 Kamp is giving away a set of hand-crafted, eco-friendly Fetching Sticks from Molly Products. You can enter by heading over to Peggy’s Pet Place or on this blog after the jump…


Lend me your eyes, and I’ll write you a blog…

Earlier this week, I advised you to stay tuned (I kill me) for a post that was somehow related to that overly cute kitten playing an invisible piano in his sleep.  This is that post.  Be prepared for some serious rambling ahead… both serious in nature, and seriously rambling.  After all, you know I love Memory Lane like I grew up there.

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is conspiring to make you slow down and indulge your nostalgic side?  Recently, I found myself commenting on two different blog posts that reminded me of a very special show from my childhood.  Does anyone else remember Garfield’s Nine Lives?  (If you do, you may be my pop culture soul mate.)

If you haven’t heard of it, Garfield’s Nine Lives began as a 1984 book containing a group of short stories illustrating the various “lives” of Garfield the cat.  (I own this book.  Fun fact about me: as a child, I was obsessed with Garfield and began collecting Garfield books – including the daily strips, the Sunday Treasuries, and the specials.  I couldn’t get enough.  I’ll always have a soft spot for that cat.)

The book was adapted into a TV special in 1988.  My mom taped it for me when it aired.  (Ah, the days of VHS.)  I watched that special countless times – I could probably still quote most of it on request (such is the case with many Garfield specials, actually, but this one was by far my favorite).  The book is a bit darker than the TV special, and some of the lives differ between the two formats.

Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with… anything. While reading this post from Brian’s Home, I made a comment about Cave Cats (you know, a distant relative of the elusive Cave Dog).  This reminded me of Garfield’s first life, in which he was… a Cave Cat.  In addition, while reading this post from The Chronicles of Cardigan I was reminded of another life from the TV special – my favorite one, in fact.  It’s called Diana’s Piano.

Garfield describes this life as the one where he fell in love with music and when he “fell in love with a girl who played the piano just for me.”  As a child who took years of piano lessons and had a white cat (like Diana, the feline incarnation of Garfield in Life No. 6), this cartoon was catnip.  

It’s a touching story.  I just watched it again before writing this post, and needed several tissues.  Several.  Gets me every time.  I highly recommend it, but if you don’t find yourself sobbing or at least getting a little weepy… well, I just don’t know what to think about you.

My cat Buttercup wasn’t as much of a music fan as Diana (she was downright antisocial at times),  but I loved her dearly.  She was my first pet, joining our family when I was only three years old.  In my young mind, this cartoon was us.  (In fact, when Diana decides to scratch a visitor and has a look of smug satisfaction on her face, it was like they’d based the character on Buttercup.  Seriously.)

When I watched Diana’s Piano again as an adult, I realized that it also touched upon my relationship with another significant animal in my life – my dog Scotti.  She entered my life when I was ten years old

Scotti used to hang out by the piano while I’d play (she was much more of a music fan than Buttercup).  We were inseparable… and just like the woman in the cartoon, one day I had to leave for college.  (As she narrates: “That was a sad day.”)  When I called home, I’d ask to talk to Scotti on the phone, and I would ask my mom if Scotti seemed to recognize my voice.  I was always elated when my mom said yes.  I missed Scotti terribly, and I couldn’t wait to see her again.

Time passed.  I graduated and finally moved into an apartment off campus.  (One that allowed pets, of course.  That was an essential requirement.)  However, by the time I graduated college, Scotti was twelve years old – really too old to leave the comfort of my parents’ house.  It just wouldn’t have been fair to her to uproot her, move her to an apartment hundreds of miles away, and expect her to adjust to my hectic schedule.  I felt guilty that we wouldn’t be together, but I think it was the right decision.  Luckily, she didn’t hold it against me – every time I saw her it was like we had never been apart.  (She did – slightly – hold it against me when I adopted Bella and would bring her home with me for visits.  Although they only met a few times, I am sure Scotti was wondering who this interloper was and why I kept bringing her home.)

Scotti is gone now.  It’s been several years since I lost her, but I find myself thinking of her often.  She was truly my dog in a way that I’d never imagined could happen.  We had other pets when I was a kid, but the two of us were like peas and carrots.  A true team.  I can’t imagine my childhood without her by my side – she features prominently in the majority of my memories.

I realize that I’ve come to define the different phases of my life based on the cats and/or dogs that were with me during each time.  (Does anyone else do that?)  Each “era” is different, but they’re all special.  Just like the wonderful creatures I’ve been lucky to know – to paraphrase the song that inspired this blog title, I always got by with a little help from my (furry) friends.

Thanks for indulging my sentimental side… it’s funny what will inspire a trip down Memory Lane, isn’t it?


Harry Potter & the Deathly Howls

Tomorrow, I will be going to see the last Harry Potter movie.  I’m not going to lie… I almost wanted to put off seeing the movie so that it’s not really over.  That being said, I’m going to see it anyway.  I can’t wait!

  1. It’s not the first time we’ve given some Friday love to Mr. Potter and crew.  I’m sure it won’t be the last.  I already gave you a few punny names based on the series (some of my better work, I think).  Although I doubt I can top my previous Dogwarts creations (Headmaster Albus Puppledore and his star students Hairy Plotthound, Grrr-mione Granger, and Ron Fleasley), I’ll give it a shot.  I offer Godric Gryffindog, Helga Hufflepup, Rowena Ravenpaw, and Salazar Snifferin.  It makes me want to adopt a quartet of pups and buy them collars in their House colors.  (Also… if I was into reptiles, I’d totally have to name one Severus Snake.)
  2. As you can tell, I find this whole experience a tad bittersweet.  Luckily, I’m not the only one – Jimmy Fallon knows where I’m coming from.
  3. I love a good corn maze.  Note to my local corn maze creators: I think I just found the perfect model for you to use this year.
  4. This collection of Harry Potter viral videos is like a Butterbeer for the eyes and ears. (That sounds painful, but I promise I meant it as a good thing.  I’m not sure my simile is working.)  Um, also… you should probably do yourself a favor and watch this song about Deathly Hallows set to Beyonce’s “Halo.”
  5. Speaking of Butterbeer, did you know that you can make your own?  It’s some tasty stuff. 
  6. I’m dying to make some Butterbeer cupcakes and/or Golden Snitch cake pops… perhaps these will be making an appearance on I Still Want More Cupcakes in the future.  (Thanks to Hey Love Designs for the tip!)
  7. You know I love Garfield.  As a result, I am obsessed with this Gryffindor Garfield cake.  I think I need to be friends with the person who requested this combo.
  8. Did you know that Harry Potter stars Imelda Staunton, David Tennant and Miranda Richardson have a history of helping dogs?  Awesome. (Thanks to DogTipper!)
  9. Maybe that’s why these dogs (and cats) love Harry Potter so much.  (These pups too.)

So, apparently lots of people have taught their dogs tricks based on the spells in the Harry Potter universe.  I have to be honest, this idea had never occurred to me.  Just goes to show, I’m no visionary.  I think this one was my favorite… it’s got some style:

With that, I send you into the weekend… who else is seeing Harry Potter?  If you’ve already seen it, what did you think?


    I’ll rise, but I won’t shine

    Today’s post is inspired by a wonderful activity that I never seem to do as much as I’d like… sleep!  (Last night’s lack of sleep was courtesy of a ridiculous thunderstorm. Needless to say, Bella was not a fan.)

    1. First up, your weekly dose of punny goodness: M. Night Shyamalion and Napawsha Beddingfield.  (Those are not my best work, I know.  I’ll blame it on being tired.)
    2. Next, I give you a puppy falling asleep in his water bowl.  I feel you, little guy… sometimes no matter how much you want to stay awake, it can’t be done.  (Cuteness courtesy of Two Little Cavaliers.)
    3. Puppies who are fighting the good fight against sleep are always adorable.  Exhibit B: this Vizsla puppy.  Exhibit C: this fluffy marshmallow.
    4. In that same vein, I love this video of a gosling (by which I mean baby goose, not Ryan) falling asleep in a little girl’s hand.  (Speaking of adorable feathered friends, did I mention that while I was out running the other day I encountered a little girl being followed around by four ducklings?  No joke. I bet she also has songbirds that tie ribbons in her hair each morning, squirrels to buckle her shoes, and bunnies to tidy up her bedroom.) 
    5. Side note – while watching each video above, I had the overwhelming urge to shout “Nap Attack!
    6. You know, this post is actually the perfect moment to wish an early happy birthday to a champion napper, Garfield.  His birthday, in case you are not as big of a Garfield nerd as I am, is June 19.  In his honor, here’s a roundup of some of the best catnap videos the interweb has to offer.

    Finally, I leave you with a dramatic interpretation of what I look like in the morning when I don’t get enough sleep:

    (via Huffington Post)

    Here’s hoping you have a relaxing weekend… squeeze in a few naps and catch up on that sleep so you won’t be a grump.  After all, as Doggie Stylish says, happiness is a warm place to sleep!


    Can’t wait ’til Christmas…

    As you know, I love Garfield’s Christmas Special.  The song “Can’t Wait ’til Christmas” often gets stuck in my head during the holiday season.  It’s there right now, actually.  What’s that?  You’d like it to be stuck in your head too?  That can be arranged. 

    I couldn’t find a clip of just the song (and I have no editing skills to speak of), but some wonderful soul has posted parts of the special online.  The song in question appears in the clip below… fast forward to 3:30 or so to hear it:

    I’ll be humming it for days.  Merry Christmas Eve Eve!


    Getting into the spirit…

    Dog eat Doug

    ‘Tis the season… and nothing puts me in the holiday mood like a good holiday special or movie on TV.  We all have them – those classics that we just have to watch every year, or it just doesn’t feel like the holidays.  I thought I’d share a few of my favorite TV specials with you today (links are to clips from the shows where available):

    • Garfield’s Christmas Special – This one was my favorite as a child.  I loved everything about it, and could quote it from beginning to end.  Grandma is the best.
    • A Charlie Brown Christmas – A classic.  Confession: I sometimes have the urge to stage an impromptu dance party with this song.
    • Mickey’s Christmas Carol – Hands down, this is my favorite version of  A Christmas Carol out there.  (The Muppet version is a close second, of course.)  I get emotional just watching the opening.
    • Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer – I still refer to the Island of Misfit Toys on a regular basis (possibly as often as once a week).
    • How the Grinch Stole Christmas – I am a Max the dog fangirl.  Cartoon version only, please.  As far as I’m concerned, that Jim Carrey thing never happened.
    • ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – For some reason, this story of some mice and a clock (that’s the Cliff’s Notes version) was always one of my favorites.  The day I found it on DVD was a good one indeed.  I mean, this song…

    There are definitely many other worthy choices… like my own personal honorable mentions Frosty the Snowman and Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too for example.  (Not to mention favorite characters, like the Heat Miser and the Snow Miser.)  And that’s just from TV.  As for Christmas movies… well, that’s a post for another day.

    Anyway, it’s cold outside… so go snuggle with your pet.  Then tell me all about your favorite holiday TV in the comments!


    Happy Howl-o-ween!

    Dog eat Doug
    (From Dog eat Doug – want more? Two more great Halloween strips here and here.)
    Trick or treat!  It’s a Halloween-themed No Frown Friday, just for you:
    1. We begin, as always, with punny pet names: Ichabark Crane and The Great Pupkin.
    2. Speaking of names, this dog’s name is Boo, and he’s adorable.  Perfect for Halloween weekend, right?
    3. You must check out this collection of awesome canine costumes from the Annual Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade in New York.  Trust me.  (If that doesn’t satisfy your costume needs, check out the entrants in FIDO Friendly’s costume contest and then find out what Winston the cat is wearing this year.)
    4. Do you have a jack-o-lantern this year?  You could make one of these ambitious fantasy pumpkins.  Or perhaps you can create a tribute to your favorite dog breed using one of these stencils.  (If you’re not feeling up to pumpkin carving, you could always pick up one of these cakes.  Or maybe not…)
    5. Stuck with a cone of shame this holiday season?  Follow the example of Noodles the Pug and make it into an awesome Halloween costume.

    Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope it’s a wonderful one.  If nothing else, I plan to schedule a showing of my two favorite Halloween specials –It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield in Disguise (though I think it’s now called Garfield’s Halloween Adventure).  It’s an annual tradition. I even have the book version of the Garfield special (in addition to tons of other Garfield books… was something of a childhood obsession).

    With that in mind, I want to share this inspired video combining scenes from the Garfield special with the theme from Halloween:

    That music can make anything scary.

    Have a fantastic Halloween (and remember to keep your pets safe)!


    Case of the Mondays?

    From an early age, I was trained to hate Mondays.  Thanks, Garfield.  Who knew cats hated the beginning of the week so much?  They don’t even have to go to work.

    Anyway, although the title of this blog suggests we’re all puppies, all the time… today’s post is cat-themed.  (It happens.)  The following video sums up how I feel about Monday, while also making my Monday morning so much better:

    (via Life with Dogs)

    Classic, right?  That cat is my new hero.

    Need more?  Well, you’re in luck.  Apparently animals jumping is so hot right now.  If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch this video of a Corgi diving into the water.  I use the term diving very loosely.  It’s really more of a belly flop.  So adorable (and you know I love those Corgis and their short little legs).

    If you’re having trouble getting started today, just watch the cat video on repeat until you feel better.  It’s possible I have watched it over a dozen times (maybe more?) since I first saw it.  It’s my neverending moment of Zen.

    Before I go, I want to say thanks to Sharon over at Grouchy Puppy for giving us another cool award.  Instead of selecting a few blogs, I’ll just point you to the Puppy Love blogroll at right… there you will find many wonderful pet bloggers to visit.  And I definitely encourage you to visit Grouchy Puppy – it’s awesome!

    Happy Monday!


    Meow mix

    It’s National Donut Day, people.  Let us rejoice, and bask in the sugary glow.  It’s also time for another No Frown Friday – feel free to bask in its non-sugary but still lovely glow.

    This week’s NFF has an unlikely (and non-donut related) theme… cats!  That’s right… even a self-proclaimed puppy fan can appreciate our feline friends.  After all, I’ve always had a soft spot for Garfield.

    1. First up, your punny pet names:  Madelion Albright and Gerard Leopardu.
    2. These photos of a tiny lion being raised by tiny humans have my
      cute-o-meter going crazy.
    3. Kitty parents and puppy parents alike should be able to appreciate this lint roller cat.
    4. Check out this heartwarming tale of three kitties who were rescued by a U.S. Marine.  Rumor has it these cats will only agree to live in places that begin with the letter J.  Cats are always so finicky.
    5. Here are some shots of the National Zoo’s new clouded leopard cubs.  I think they broke the aforementioned cute-o-meter.
    6. Finally, are you wise to the wonder that is Winston the cat?  Allow me to introduce you to this banana connoisseur:

    (Via fourfour.  If you want to see more Winston – and I know you do – go here.)

    Although today’s post is dedicated to cute kitties, I would be remiss if I did not include some safety tips.  Behind that cuteness lurks the heart of a warrior.  (Tigers and lions and tabbies, oh my!)  Is your cat trying to kill you?  Know the warning signs.

    Have a good weekend, and be careful out there.
