Hey girl… bird is still the word

Today’s post is inspired by that whole Ryan Gosling “Hey girl” thing (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should stop whatever you’re doing and check it out – I’ll wait).  It’s not the first time Mr. Gosling has made an appearance on this blog, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.  I mean, the man’s dog has an adorable mohawk, AND he shares his name with adorably tiny feathered creatures.

(Before we dive in, I also wanted to encourage you to visit Grouchy Puppy – I did a guest post that will be featured there today!)

  1. Your weekly pun: Goose Newton.
  2. Wondering why I’ve got “Hey girl” on the brain?  I blame this absolutely hilarious mash-up of Beauty and the Beast and that Honeybadger guy.  It’s possible I like this version better than the original.
  3. Apparently this goose would like to challenge the idea that dog is man’s best friend.
  4. This duck would like to help him in that quest.
  5. All goslings (except for Ryan) one day grow up to be geese.  This video beautifully captures that process.
  6. Speaking of birds, anyone familiar with Portlandia and that whole hilarious “Put a bird on it” thing?  Whatever your answer, I recommend you head over to The Bloggess.  You’ll be happy you did.
  7. Related: maybe Portlandia was wrong and you should put a cat on it instead?
  8. Now that we’re on the topic of cats, I just discovered this video that seems to be the perfect follow-up to Monday’s Office Space cat.  Apparently curiosity about the fax machine will land the cat a rocking office job.  (Bonus: cats wearing ties!)

I found today’s video strangely hypnotic:

Is it the music?  I don’t know, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t watch it several times.  Bird is the word, after all.

You know what else I’ll be watching several times?  The return of Pop-Up Video.  There should really just be a channel constantly playing Pop-Up Video. Are you listening, Vh1?




10 thoughts on “Hey girl… bird is still the word

  1. Well I can't say I'm quite as fond of geese as you are. But that's because in my town, they have it out for the dogs.

    About once every six months someone writes a tirade in the newspaper about all the dog poop in the park at the lake's edge when it's really goose poop. Dog's aren't even allowed in that park.

    I think it's a plot.

  2. Pop Up Video is coming back? Seriously? I am so excited, this news totally made my day! I remember so many days spent hanging out in my basement with my sister, giggling over the genius that was. Hopefully they will run it up here in Canada! Cannot wait. 😛

    I think I prefer ducks to geese, honestly. I was chased by so many when I used to help out at my grandfather's farm. They are just not all that nice. I still have nightmares.

  3. Holy Woof! Wait a minute. We can't even focus until we clarify something: POP UP VIDEO IS BACK ON THE AIR?!?! *insert swoony happy music here* They had better bring this to Canada PDQ.

    now, back to blogging. This whole Portlandia bird bag thing has been cracking us up! I ordered a *do not* put a bird on it bag and when Zazzle pulled that, I choose myself a mini-Beyonce so that our family can enjoy passive-aggressive chicken notes.

  4. Pamela – Bella licked a goose once. Unrelated to the plot you mentioned, but I wanted to share.

    Kristine – in high school, I loved ducks for some reason. Still kind of do. 🙂

    Koly – I have a mini-Beyonce too!

  5. I would *love* to see the new Pop-up Video but that MTV content is BANNED to non-USA users 🙁 BOOOOO I loved that show.

    That Goose video reminds me of where I live. There are Geese *everywhere* I can't even walk the dogs without stepping in Goose poo.

  6. I have a wild turkey mama with seven near-grown turkey babies (apparently called poults – just looked it up) running around the vicinity of my yard daily. They are hilarious to watch and would totally rock that video. 🙂

    I saw the Pop-up Video press release a little while ago. (And not at surprised that you are a fan.) I could not get enough of that show back in the day. 🙂

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