Fourteen fun posts from some furry (and funny) friends

I’ve been a bit behind on my monthly roundups. The past few months have been pretty busy. Given how often I probably complain about being busy, I feel like I should recognize how annoying that might be. Sorry, friends. - Thanks for all the time you spend listening to me complain about not having enough time.


Anyway, I thought I’d make it up to you today and try to get back on track by sharing some of my favorite posts from the months of March and April. I hope that these posts put a smile on your face!

  1. We’re Taking Notes On Some of Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Quotes from My Brown Newfies – As you know, I love Seuss.
  2. Moving Tips from the Dog from Kol’s Notes – Take note, humans.
  3. The Dog Person’s Guide to Spring from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Those tumbleweeds of dog hair are certainly a sign of a new season.
  4. I Write More Letters from Rescued Insanity – Clever and touching.
  5. Küster’s Magic Shut Up Spoon from Tales and Tails – How do I order one?
  6. Bella blowing bubbles (video) from Bringing Up Bella – It may be impossible to watch this one without smiling.
  7. Buying a Couch When You Have a Dog from Sugar the Golden Retriever – Why, I can’t imagine what one would need to be concerned about…
  8. Weird Conversations I Had With My Husband This Week from My Brown Newfies – Dog hair in your sandwich sounds pretty normal to me.
  9. More Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound from Tales and Tails – You can’t argue with logic.
  10. Future Boys from BZ Dogs – Tribbles! Need I say more?
  11. The Dog Lover’s Guide to Great Sex from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I could not stop laughing.
  12. Blogger-to-Blogger Grammar Tips: How to Avoid Homonym Hades (illustrated with funny pet photos) from The Chronicles of Cardigan – Grammar nerds unite! If you need me, I’ll be over here giggling about the Shakespeare joke.
  13. Mirth Watch Thursday: Opposable Thumbs from Pooch Smooches – What would your dog do?
  14. Ways to Show Kindness in the Blogging World from Rescued Insanity – We could all use a little more kindness, after all.

Did I miss any of your favorite posts? Please share them in the comments. I’ve been behind on my reading, so I’m sure I missed some gems out there!


7 easy ways to reuse your dog

It’s Earth Day, which means that we should be thinking of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Today, I thought I’d focus on that middle one.

(Why? Well, Tavish is currently on a diet, so he’s got that whole reduce thing covered. With regard to recycling, I had to talk myself out of just posting this video again.)

The EPA has noted that the best way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. One way to create less waste is to reuse what we already have. When I was thinking about things I could reuse, it hit me. I have a dog. (Two, in fact.) Obviously, my dogs provide me with love, companionship, entertainment, and blog fodder. But… can they do more? I bet they can – and I bet your dogs can too.

Without further ado, here are five alternate uses for your dog:

  1. Foot warmer – Are your toes cold? Don’t invest in a space heater. Just ask your canine companion to curl up on your feet.

    Foot warmer

  2. Footrest – Why should you spend a pretty penny on a designer ottoman? The perfect footrest may already be under your nose… er, feet. (Obviously, please take the size and temperament of your dog into account. Not all dogs will be willing to put up with your nonsense.)
  3. Bookmark – If you saw it, then you should have put a paw on it.Daily Dog Challenge #82
  4. Shredder – If you simply must shred some documents (before you recycle the paper, of course), don’t invest in a pricey machine. Save your money and conserve electricity by giving your paper to the dog, nature’s shredder.
  5. Doorstop – Pesky door won’t stay open? Perhaps your dog can help. They’re probably going to curl up and take a nap anyway – why not hold that door open while they snooze away? If your dogs, like mine, would never agree to sit still for that long, try using a dog toy instead:Dog toys have many uses
  6. Exercise equipment – Don’t buy a treadmill or an elliptical machine. Just clip a leash onto your furry beast and get moving.
  7. Alarm clock – Don’t buy a new clock. Your dogs can wake you up each morning. Unfortunately, the canine alarm clock does not allow you to choose what time you’d like to wake up. It’s also missing a snooze button.After-market snooze button for your dog

There you have it – seven easy ways you can reuse your dog. Have some ideas to add to the list? Thought of some new ways to go green? Share them in the comments!


8 reasons to smile today

I’m pretty far behind on my monthly roundups (and on everything else lately). So, before May is upon us, I thought I’d share my favorite posts from the month of February. (See? Really far behind.)

Anyway, enjoy these posts that made me smile during my least favorite month:

  1. {This Moment} See Beautiful – Sometimes she’s just a normal dog from Bringing Up Bella – This post makes my heart smile.
  2. Wordless Wednesday 2/13 – You Have To Kiss A Lot Of Frogs from Tales and Tails – Dogs. Frogs. Rhymes. Good times. (I am such a nerd.)
  3. Monday Mischief from Heart Like a Dog – This one reminds me of the time Bella decided to go snow swimming.
  4. Wondering what “single” cats are doing for Valentine’s Day? from Cat Chat – I couldn’t stop laughing.
  5. It’s Never the Dog’s Fault: A Felix-y Flashback from Kol’s Notes – A sweet story and one that focuses on Felix? Awesome.
  6. Where’s Momo? from The Poodle (and Dog) Blog – I think I just found my new favorite game.
  7. Speaking to Dogs So They Don’t Understand You from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I know I tend to spell around the d-o-g-s so that they don’t know what I’m talking about. Do you?
  8. Why My Rottweiler Let My Pomeranian Beat Her Up – And Other Important Questions from Rescued Insanity – Simply genius.

I should be back to a regular posting schedule soon… bear with me, dear readers.


Looking for a great dog blog? Kol’s Notes explains it all

You may have heard about the Pet Blogger Gift Exchange in your travels around the Interwebs. If not, I have to tell you – it’s pretty darn cool. Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes had a flash of inspiration recently – instead of gifts, let’s exchange compliments, encouragement, and some love.

When I found out the blogger I’d been paired with, I could not have been more thrilled. Perhaps you’re familiar with the lovely Jodi (pictured below with pups Koly and Felix) from Kol’s Notes?

Check out that smile!

She’s pretty darn awesome. (Dear Jodi: I borrowed these photos from your site. I hope you don’t mind. If you do, please do not send a zombie after me unless absolutely necessary. Thanks!)

I spent a lot of time thinking about my gift to Jodi. I finally settled on a No Frown Friday dedicated to the genius that is Kol’s Notes. An epic one, in fact. If you’re not already a devotee, you really should be. Today, you’ll find out why. (At the end of this post, you’ll also find out how you can help me make this gift really special.)

Intrigued? Let’s start at the top. Just check out this header… Continue reading


Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers: The Winners!

It’s finally here… time to announce the winners of the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers! You can’t go wrong with twenty-four days of giveaways, right?

Below, you’ll find the winners for days 17 through 24. (All of the winners will be contacting by e-mail no later than Sunday, January 6, with instructions on how to claim your prize!)

For days 1 through 8, swing by PupLove. For days 9 through 16, pay a visit to Rescued Insanity. To find out the identity of our super lucky and extremely generous Grand Prize winner, click on over to Kol’s Notes (the brains behind this whole operation).

KAT EGELSTON has won a starter pack from the Honest Kitchen and will receive a 4 lb. box of Honest Kitchen Force dog food, a Box of Beams Treats, a canister of Perfect Form, plus an Honest Kitchen tote bag & tee shirt!

CYNTHIA AMBER DOWNER has won a selection of grain-free, exotic meat treats from Dog’n It & Bully Bites!

RACHEL HARRISON has won a handmade dog collar with her choice of a flower or bow tie accessory from Chuckle Hounds.


JUDY GREGORY has won an “I Love My Little Dog” mug, a “Never Trust a Dog to Guard Food” magnet and doggy salt & pepper shakers from Our Name is Mud.


MARISSA E. has won has won a prize package of tasty freeze dried dog food and meaty dog treats from The Real Meat Company.


LISA F has won a beautiful bronze and silver-plated pewter “Be good to yourself – get a dog” bracelet from Toby and Max Jewelry.


GRETCHEN KUHNS has won a set of the Chet & Bernie Mysteries: Dog On ItThereby Hangs a TailTo Fetch a ThiefThe Dog Who Knew Too Much and  A Fistful of Collars from Atria Publishing.


DARLENE OWEN has won tasty  Beef Liver Topping & Chicken Liver Treats from Pawmetto Pet Treats.


Congrats to all the winners! 



Fourteen furry reasons to smile

As usual, my monthly roundup is just a little bit late. (You also may have noticed that No Frown Friday was missing yesterday – I’ve been having some technical difficulties, so you’ll get that soon as well. I promise.)

Anyway, I hope you don’t mind too much. Enjoy this roundup of posts from November that put a big smile on my face:

  1. Dear Fourteen Year Old Me from Rescued Insanity – A beautiful post.
  2. Like Herding Cats from Tales and Tails – Behind the scenes of a canine photo shoot,  humor awaits.
  3. Felix, I Swear the Camera Won’t Steal Your Soul from Kol’s Notes – Speaking of amusing photo shoots…
  4. Brooks Says, Adopt a Senior Dog from Peggy’s Pet Place – Can’t argue with that. (In case you’re not yet convinced, read this post from Something Wagging.)
  5. A Couple of Blondes Take a Thanksgiving Walk from Yikes! Loy Turns 60 – I know that sounds like the opening line to the joke, but this story had me smiling from ear to ear.
  6. Why I’ll Never Own a Dog Again from Something Wagging This Way Comes – You know I love thinking about words. How do you describe your relationship with your dog? (This post in response from Rescued Insanity is pretty interesting too.)
  7. 295/365: Babushka? from Life with LuLu & Wally Too! – Honestly, this one just cracked me up.
  8. Monday Mischief: Christmas List Mischief from My Brown Newfies – Being a reindeer for a day is a totally reasonable request, right?
  9. Live: Turkeys on Ice! More Fun Than in Your Freezer from This One Wild Life – I would like to request a TV channel devoted to the happenings in Kim’s yard.
  10. Six Tips for Photographing Dogs With Any Camera from kate with a camera – Several great tips here… check ’em out!
  11. Dogton Abbey Blog, Things Are Getting Crabby Down At The Abbey Episode 4! from  Molly the Wally – Pamela from Something Wagging turned me on to this one. Go read the whole series!
  12. A Wienerholic Family Christmas from My Life with Wieners – This post makes traveling with Bella sound tame.
  13. Friday Funny! Video: Dog loves automatic ball throwing machine from Dakota’s Den – Tavish totally needs one of these.
  14. If You Give a Nutty Pet Blogger Some Cheap Holiday-Themed Accessories from Target from Chronicles of Cardigan – Hilarious as always.

That’s all, folks! Stay tuned for December – I’ll try to get that one to you before February. No promises, though.


Smiling’s my favorite!

As I recently mentioned, I’m well behind on my monthly roundups. However, let’s just consider this belated October installment an early Christmas gift. (By that logic, I’m actually ahead of the game.)

Anyway, I believe that Buddy the Elf would totally support me sharing these posts guaranteed to make you smile. Enjoy. If you need me, I’ll be enjoying selections from the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup. Continue reading


Dogs playing reindeer games?

It’s the first day of the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers! Let’s start off with a cute holiday photo – after that, find out how to join us for some reindeer games…

Christmas card outtake #1

One of many outtakes from this year's holiday card shoot...

Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s Notes, PupLove, Rescued Insanity, Woof Woof MamaI Still Want More Puppies

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by the Madison Park Group. Click here to enter to win a gift set of their I Can Has Cheezeburger? Stationery & Giftware, plus be entered to win the Grand Prize package worth more than $1000!


Penguins & prizes for the howlidays…

Happy Friday! Ready for some holiday linkage?

  1. Your punny pet names: Frank Catra and Ebefleazer Scrooge.
  2. I’m in the process of creating my holiday card this year – wrangling two dogs is much more difficult than one! This year, the pups will be rocking some sweaters, so stay tuned for the final card as well as some outtakes. Until then, enjoy these penguins, cats, and dogs wearing sweaters.
  3. Speaking of penguins… hop, hop, hop! I could watch them all day.
  4. Seriously, penguins are awesome.
  5. Have you decorated yet? We haven’t put up our tree yet – I wonder what Tavish will think of his first Christmas with us. Maybe he will take a hint from Bo.
  6. Ah, the holidays. Although I love the holidays, I don’t like snow. Watching this adorable guy makes me hate it just a little less, however.
  7. I have some fun holiday news for you – starting tomorrow, you’ll have the chance to win some great prizes. It’s the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers, and I’m thrilled to be joining Kol’s Notes for such a cool event.

Given that I was kind of on a penguin kick today, this video seemed the perfect choice:

Can you believe it will be December tomorrow? Time flies when you’re making puns!
