Animal Odd Couples 2: Eclectic Boogaloo

I like animals who break the mold. Those who refuse to conform to peer pressure and boldly look outside their own species for friends. After all, who am I to argue with generations of Disney movies saluting interspecies friendships?


(And yes, I’m totally aware that I have done way more than two posts about animal odd couples. However, the number three bazillion didn’t yield any catchy rhyming titles with a completely random pop culture reference. I’m sure you understand.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Fawn Luc-Picard and James Flea Kirk.
  2. Never was there a story of more aww than that of Meowliet and her Droolio. (Or Drooliet and her Meowreo if you’re so inclined.)
  3. I wonder if this pair just plays that “let me tell you ’bout my best friend” song on repeat. If not, they should.
  4. I wish I could go back in time and show Tod and Copper that there was hope after all. You could have made it work, guys!
  5. Ever hope that a Rodent of Unusual Size would find love in this crazy world? (I mean, this is a thing that normal people think about, right?) As you wish.
  6. Well, this little guy is basically an odd couple in and of himself. It’s like a chick and a hamster had an unexpected love connection. Or a duck and a gerbil?
  7. Speaking of unexpected combinations… Sir Patrick Stew can moo, can you?
  8. Also rather moo-ving: “At first, it was all about the milk, but then… then I realized I was really just coming here to see you!

Let’s take this to the next level. Coming soon, to a theater near you: in a world of cats and boxes, one cat followed his heart and declared his love… for a bag:

What can we learn from today’s linkage? Follow your heart. The resulting friendship might just be adorable.

Oh, and in case you missed anything, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

Have a great weekend!


Weird (and fluffy) science

Well, here we are. It’s the first Friday of 2014. I was feeling kind of lazy on the post-drafting front, but it just didn’t seem right to start the year off without some Friday linkage… so, let’s get to it. (Against all odds, the topic of today’s post is science. If you knew me, you’d realize that in and of itself is weird.)

  1. First up, your punny pet name for this week: Albert Whinestein.
  2. So, apparently science has discovered that dogs do their business in line with the earth’s magnetic field. I do have one question: who funds these studies?
  3. In less weird scientific news, we’re one step closer to hanging out with Dug from Up. I can’t wait.


  4. Let’s be honest. Dogs know us better than we known ourselves, right? (That’s because dogs are awesome. Even cats can’t argue.)
  5. I’ve heard that a dog a day keeps the doctor away. Unless the doctor is a dog, of course. (Seriously, what can’t dogs do?)
  6. Also, rumor has it that dog lovers make awesome friends. Science wins again. Go science! (I’m sure science appreciates a little cheerleading every now and then.)
  7. I’d also like to thank science for finding cute new animals for me to squee about.

Speaking of important discoveries, scientists have discovered the theory of cute-itivity.

I melt (and I’m not scientifically savvy enough to come up with a theory to share here).

Anyway, in case you missed anything over the holidays, here’s what we’ve been up since the last round of Friday linkage:

That’s all for today, folks. See you next time!


The hills are alive with the sound of puns (and dinosaurs)

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for me to lob some linkage your way!

Oh, and before we get to today’s linkage, a little shameless self-promotion. I’m back again this week guest posting on the Grouchy Puppy blog. Check out this week’s post, which contains the best poem ever. I’m not even really exaggerating. (If you missed last week’s guest post, never fear… here you go.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Finnidict Cumberbatch, Mick Wagger, and Finnifer Lawrence. (Long live the Oxford comma! I don’t care what they say. Grammar nerd 4EVA… er, forever.)
  2. Speaking of puns, maybe I should apply for a job at Charmin.
  3. Forget November. It’s Dinovember from now - If history repeats itself, I'm so getting a dinosaur.
  4. Although… I wouldn’t be opposed to some sort of Novemb-grrr (Dogvember? Novemfur?) twist instead. (After all, everything is better with a dog.)
  5. It is possible, however, that even a dog couldn’t salvage this Sound of Music remake. (Okay, I’m obviously not as nice as Maria herself. To make up for it, I’ll just leave this here.)
  6. This last link is unrelated to anything, but I don’t care. ZONKEY!

Now, for today’s video… although, I’d obviously prefer you adopt your pet dinosaur from a dino shelter instead of buying him at a pet store. You might want to do your homework first and look into some dino training classes too:

FInally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for now… see you next week. (Same dino time, same dino channel…)


A definitive ranking of the 50 best names for a group of animals

So, I recently discovered that a group of ferrets is called a business. I found this fact utterly delightful, and it inspired me to find out what other delightful denominations I’ve been missing out on.

Today, I give you my definitive ranking of the coolest names for a group of animals. Obviously, no boring herds or packs need apply. (I’m looking at you, antelope, caribou, bison, wolves, and the like.) No troops, pods or flocks either. (Sorry, monkeys, whales and seagulls.) I showed a gaggle of geese and a murder of crows the door too. No mercy.  Continue reading


You (still) otter know…

I couldn’t decide what to post about today. Then I decided that I otter post about… well, you know…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Weasel von Trapp.
  2. Cutest swim lesson ever? It just might be.
  3. Given today’s topic, you otter brush up on these otter facts.
  4. This next link is otterly adorable.
  5. I’m pretty sure that this otter could beat me at any sport.
  6. Given that Tavish is afraid of water (sometimes I think he might be related to Elphaba), at least I don’t have to worry about this ever happening.
  7. An otter cam exists. You’re welcome.
  8. These are some very deep otter thoughts.
  9. Okay, so this one’s a lemur, not an otter. But… but… it’s so cute I can’t even handle it. And it’s my blog, so I can do what I want.
  10. Now that we’re off topic anyway, who knew that weasels were so darn cute? (Bonus: there are some stoatally entertaining puns in the comments. Stoatally.)

This otter should really start his own business… he’d be the life of any party!

That’s all for this week. In case you missed them, you otter check out the rest of this week’s posts:

That concludes this week’s linkage… see you next time!


PFL: Panda Football League

I’ve been quite remiss in delivering your Friday linkage lately. You may wonder where I’ve been. I promise, I was not off doing this. Some days I have felt like this, however.

In any event, Friday linkage is back. I was going to bust out the formalwear to celebrate the occasion (or just some tiny hats), but I hope you don’t mind that I was too lazy to do so.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Chick Jagger, Sheddie Money, Mane Brady, Drooly Andrews, and Robert Sniffin III.
  2. So, I don’t know about you, but I’d totally cheer for a team named the Washington Redpandas. (Sorry, New York Giants… I’d drop you like a hot potato. No, changing your name to the New York Giant Pandas wouldn’t change my mind. I’m a red panda gal at heart. You should totally do it anyway though. Cleveland Brown Pandas, you’re on notice too.)
  3. In case you were wondering how I feel when I even think of the remote possibility that red pandas could finally get their moment in the sun, this video clip should clear it up. (I’m so excited. So excited.)
  4. I’m trying not to think about the fact that it will probably never happen. It will only break my heart. (Speaking of Calvin & Hobbes…)
  5. On another panda-related note, I’m pretty sure that this was the best thing to come out of that shutdown nonsense.

I’m just going to put it out there – I am in favor of recreating all music videos with dog stars. We can call it DMTV. The videos can air at halftime during PFL (Panda Football League) games:

That’s all for today. In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog since the last Friday link roundup:

Here’s hoping that the next month won’t be as crazy as the last one… I kind of missed my Friday links (whether you did or not)!


Dogs of future (and Futurama) past

This week, I said goodbye to one of my favorite shows (for the third time). That’s right, today’s link roundup is inspired by Futurama.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Turanga Fleala, Phillip J. Fly, Bender Codriguez, Hermes Conrat, Professor Mewbert Farnsworth, Amy Pawng, and Dr. Zoidbird.
  2. In addition to being one of my favorite shows, Futurama also delivered one of my favorite television episodes ever. (Seriously – I’m obsessed.) It’s titled “Jurassic Bark” – and I consider it mandatory viewing for anyone with a dog (or a heart). (Why did I let myself watch the ending again? Why? So many tears.)
  3. The canine star of “Jurassic Bark” is named Seymour. His full name is a pun. I love him unapologetically. (“His name was Seymour. He was once intimate with the leg of a wandering saxophonist. He had wet dog smell, even when dry. And he was not above chasing the Number 29 bus.”)
  4. I just want to hug him (and kiss him).


  5. Seymour popped up in some of the direct-to-DVD movies, and recently reappeared in an episode during the final season of Futurama. (By the way, if someone could provide me with a pocket-sized Seymour of my own, I’d be on cloud K9. See what I did there?)
  6. Dogs and space. We’ve talked about it before. What we haven’t talked about, however, is the similarities between dogs and Darth Vader.
  7. Anyway, enough about Seymour and space dogs (for now). Enjoy the cast of Futurama in sloth form.
  8. I wonder if these punny robots will be made by MomCorp.
  9. This dollhouse is amazing. Can someone make a similar one for Planet Express?

I guess the dog in today’s video is not a Star Trek fan. Maybe he would have enjoyed the Futurama theme song instead. It always makes me smile. (Jennifer Aniston gets it.)

When I was a kid, our Chihuahua Kandi would sometimes howl when I sang. As Randy Jackson might say… I guess I was pitchy, dawg.

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, friends. Commence two hour yipping session (but don’t mistreat your Robo Puppies or I’ll have to track you down).


Hold on to August a little longer with these 14 blog posts…

It’s time for another monthly roundup, so set aside some time to catch up on your reading. Here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of August: Continue reading
